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Burn marks show where the safe crackers tried to gain access

Phuket Gold Thieves Beaten By Safe Too Tough To Crack

Sunday, September 15, 2013
PHUKET: Would-be Phuket gold robbers tried to break into a safe containing jewellery valued at about 600,000 baht early yesterday.

The thieves broke in through the roof of the Yaowarat Gold Shop in a shophouse in Patong's Sai Nam Yen Road.

They then managed to crack open a security cage surrounding three large metal safes.

Extensive burns marked one safe but the thieves failed to access the gold nechlets and bracelets valued at around 600,000 baht inside.

One of the shop's owners descended from living quarters about 8am to find the gold robbery had been attempted.

Forensics police hope fingerprints will be found. Security cameras at the shop appeared to have been disabled. Police in Patong are investigating.


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