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General Prayuth Chan-ocha gives his speech on national television tonight

Thailand Lifts Curfew in Four More Tourist Destinations, Krabi, Phang Nga, Hua Hin and Cha-Am

Friday, June 6, 2014
PHUKET: The military-ordained curfew across Thailand was lifted tonight in four more tourist destinations - Krabi, Phang Nga, Hua Hin and Cha-Am, following on from its earlier removal in Phuket, Pattaya and Samui.

Bangkok and Chiang Mai are the major remaining tourist destinations still under orders to shut down between midnight and 4am, along with all non-tourist related provinces.

News of tonight's additional curfew removal was released soon after General Prayuth Chan-ocha completed his second weekly update explaining to the people of Thailand the reasons for the takeover of Thailand by the military on May 22.

Another order that followed his speech called for a dozen people known to be associated with illegal gambling to report to a meeting with him at 10am on Saturday.

The general tonight spoke of a return to ''a just and moral society - a society that does not tolerate corruption.''

He said he had no particular problem with anti-coup protesters who have taken to using a three finger salute borrowed from the film 'The Hunger Games.''

But he would prefer if they hadn't borrowed from a foreign movie.

He suggested use of a five-digit salute instead - two for country, one for the people, one for religion and one for HM The King.

The coup command welcomed suggestions for change from all segments of society, he said, and was already trying to prioritise 10,000 submissions.

Several new songs written to help with the harmony and reconciliation campaign that forms Phase One of the plan by the National Council for Peace and Order were screened tonight, including one with lyrics written by the general.

He said the conflicts in society in Thailand had reached the point where an election could no longer resolve them and ''people started to lose faith in the whole system.''

Laws were not being respected and the country was ''virtually paralysed'' by corrupt individuals applying populist schemes.

''We intend to return happiness to everyone living in Thailand,'' he said. ''We will try to return to the use of normal laws as soon as possible.''

He asked for tolerance. ''Do not rush me,'' the general said. ''If we do things wrong now, the problems will arise in future.''

Gambling on football appears to be one priority, with the World Cup arriving on June 12. ''Debts must be repaid,'' he said.


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five-finger salute with the arm up is the salute for Nazism in Germany or Fascist in Italy and Gen Prayuth should read history book.

Posted by Whistle-Blower on June 7, 2014 09:43

Editor Comment:

Depends where you stick your arm, WB. I am fairly sure that wouldn't have escaped the general's attention. No modern general would not know.


Ladies and gentlemen, Today, I should go with a concern to you. Report, like other media, from the lifting of the curfew in Hua Hin. Now, I was in a bar in this city yesterday and noted with astonishment that drove the police through the streets of bars shortly after midnight and ordered to close all bars. Upon my request, it was said that the lifting of the curfew relates to no bars and nightclubs. If I now so as holiday-makers to pre-midnight nothing can see, so this is not equivalent but a lifting of the curfew. I would like to know why a cancellation is reported, if there is none yet. So tempting tourists in the country, although again but under utterly false promises. Note: on the Facebook side of the police station Hua Hin is an official letter from repealing published. But it does to read anything that nightlife should be excluded. Regards James

Posted by James on June 8, 2014 13:36

Editor Comment:

Perhaps Hua Hin normally closes early, James.

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