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The Phuket yacht gains some muscle from park rangers after two days

Phuket Yacht Beached in Krabi: Chinese Tourists Call in Lanta Muscle

Saturday, June 7, 2014
PHUKET: A Phuket yacht that beached on Koh Lanta off the province of Krabi in monsoon weather is now back at sea after park rangers helped to refloat it.

A team of helpers combined with a towing vessel dragged the yacht Chainon off the beach near Pimalai Resort on Lanta yesterday, with plenty of pushing and heaving.

The process, begun with a heave-ho at high tide at 3.30pm, was completed 90 minutes later - much to the relief of the five Chinese visitors who hired the yacht from Phuket.

The yacht had been stuck on the beach for two days. On Wednesday, the Chinese captain and crew were powerless to save the yacht as it broke free from its anchor and was swept onto the beach.

Efforts were made the following day to tow the vessel off the sand with a speedboat at high tide, but it wasn't until the following day that the recovery effort succeeded with the help of rangers from Lanta National Park.


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what experience did this Chinese master of the vessel have if any, I wonder.

Posted by slickmelb on June 7, 2014 21:20

Editor Comment:

You may wonder all you like, slickmelb, but by adding ''Chinese'' you appear to be resorting to bigotry. It doesn't make a scrap of difference where the captain comes from.


maybye the anchor chain was made in china?

Posted by ayjay on June 8, 2014 00:14


Dear ED, are you sure that where you come from doesn't make difference???
Can please get a look at the data about drawned people and tell us, compared the percent of tourist, how many Australians dead in Phuket in the last years??

Posted by dave on June 8, 2014 01:11

Editor Comment:

''Where you come from'' simply leads bigots to draw conclusions without knowing the facts, dave. Give up on guesswork and bigotry.


ed you are a f******

Posted by Harry on June 8, 2014 09:16

Editor Comment:

At least I'm not like you, Harry, a big, bigotted f******


These idiots anchored on a lee shore in the SW monsoon season and got what was coming. No sailor worth his salt would anchor overnight on the West coast of Lanta between May-October. Foolish.

Posted by EMC on June 12, 2014 20:23

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