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A map that purports to show all land behind Surin beach is public space

Phuket Resident Accuses Governor, Mayor, District Chief of 'Not Doing Their Jobs' at Surin Beach

Wednesday, July 2, 2014
PHUKET: Police are investigating a complaint made today that Phuket's governor, a council mayor and a district chief have failed their responsibilities and allowed businesses to continue to occupy public land on the shorefront at one Phuket beach.

Phuket resident Palat Janpokin went to Cherng Talay Police Station today to accuse Phuket's governor, the mayor of Cherng Talay and the Director of Thalang district of not doing their jobs at Surin beach.

The new Cherng Talay Police Station Superintendent, Colonel Paworn Pornpromma, told Phuketwan this afternoon that he was obliged to investigate the complaint.

The complainant, Khun Palat, said that while public land had been cleared on the seaward side of a pathway that runs along Surin beach, he was surprised to see businesses still operating on the other side of the path, which he believed was also public land.

Colonel Paworn said that he had asked the chief of Marine Office 5 and the director of the Phuket Land Titles Office to meet with him on Friday to examine the issue and report back speedily.

According to reports, the property titles under which the shorefront land remains occupied - a title known as a nor sor lor - can be issued to an individual but is not transferable and is not meant to be used for private profit.

The present use of a long line of premises as beach clubs and restaurants at Surin beach predates the appointment of the present Phuket governor and the election of the current Cherng Talay mayor.

Colonel Paworn said that after talking to the chief of Marine Office 5 and the director of the Land Titles Office, he will call in the businesspeople involved. If necessary, he said, he would give them seven days to demolish any constructions deemed to be illegal.

Cherng Talay Mayor Ma-Ann Samran told Phuketwan this afternoon that he met this morning ''with the National Peace and Order Council committee.''

He said that he was not troubled by the action being taken by Khun Palat in reporting an alleged breach of law to the local police.

''I have done my job,'' said Mayor Ma-Ann, who proposes similar clearances to Surin beach at Layan, Laypang and Bang Tao beaches.

Phuketwan: From now on you are going to apply the law 100 percent?

Mayor Ma-Ann: More than 100 percent.

Some of the people involved with the businesses at Surin beach may also face charges of encroaching on public land, Colonel Paworn said.

The military took over Thailand in a coup on May 22 and has since been vigorously driving a campaign to clear Phuket's beaches and foreshores of illegal commercial activities on public space.

Umbrellas and loungers are now banned from Surin beach and are said to be about to be banned at Patong, Kamala, Nai Harn, Kata, Karon and other popular west coast beaches.


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Respect, Khun Palai, very welcome civic move!

Posted by Sue on July 2, 2014 20:51


It is a sure sign that the military intervention & actions are beginning to not only take effect, but are bringing a sense of belief, that Thais are now coming forward with complaints.

Previously it was only our 'farang grumbles', accurate, justified or otherwise, that were aired on various forums such as PW. Now the genuine Thais see a chance to restore Phuket to where it once was.

Posted by Logic on July 2, 2014 21:05


"Mayor Ma-Ann: More than 100 percent."

What a great man.

Posted by Smithy on July 3, 2014 00:41


Encroachment is all over Thailand and I know this is Phuketwan, but are they doing the same to other areas of Thailand or concentrating their efforts all on Phuket?
Another Question is, if I have my own deck chair/umbrella, is that allowed on the beach or does it mean only Private Enterprise Umbrellas are banned?

Posted by Tbs on July 3, 2014 07:23

Editor Comment:

Phuket is Thailand's most corrupt province because the returns flow quickly from pursuit of the tourist and investment dollars. No other province has this mix. People can certainly carry their own umbrellas and chairs to beaches.


It took the Army to come to Phuket before Mayor Ma-Ann would even implement what he says now. previously he sent letters i think 2 times to these establishments and they just laughed him away... i support the army they are doing an excellent job in cleaning up and making the beaches a wonderful place to return to not just full of deck chairs and umbrellas.. and PLEASE STOP THE FIREWORKS AT NIGHT..... TRYING TO SLEEP AND BIG BANGS ALL THROUGH THE EVENING..... LET ALONE WHAT IS DOES TO ANIMALS IN THE VICINITY...

Posted by Anonymous on July 3, 2014 08:54


What about beaches which become private de facto due the construction of resorts which ban their access . Beaches are supposed to be public in Thailand.

Posted by Anonymous on July 3, 2014 09:41


They do nothing because bribes are paid at all levels of the Thai administration to slow down any investigation or legal complaints.
Bad Boys and corrupt civil servants are the true rulers in Phuket...But for how long...
The day the National Council for Peace and Order (NCPO) will seize all illegal resorts and building at Sirinath Marine National Park and it will dismantle them straight away... Then, I may say something new is happening in Thailand but for the moment I dream only.

Posted by Whistle-Blower on July 3, 2014 10:38

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