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Many problems on Phuket are now going to be fixed by the Army

Corrupt, Immoral Phuket Faces Coup Cleansing

Tuesday, July 1, 2014
PHUKET: Many problems involving corruption and low moral standards on Phuket will now be fixed by Thailand's military rulers, a reliable source with Army connections told Phuketwan tonight.

He said that Phuket appeared to have an exceptionally high level of bribery.

''Phuket has many problems,'' the source said. ''There are no morals here at all. Asking for tea money ''is almost expected on every occasion.''

The military would act to fix corruption and improve the holiday island's moral standards, he said.

''We have to use law enforcement. Phuket still has important issues that the Army must sort out.''

Phuket is reckoned by many observers to be the most corrupt province in Thailand.

Retailers and entertainment outlets in the west coast holiday hub of Patong at one stage a few years ago asked the governor and the Phuket police commander to organise a one-stop system for payment of corrupt money.

A public meeting was told in Patong about the same time that there are now 17 organisations that take regular bribes on Phuket to allow laws to be bent. The bottom line is that the tourist pays for most of the corruption.

The coup command has so far acted to sort out Phuket's taxi and tuk-tuk mafia that has created a public transport monopoly on the island with excessive fares being enforced by extortion and intimidation, especially in Kata-Karon, Patong and at Phuket International Airport.

Shorefronts along the popular west coast have been invaded by profit-taking restaurants and beach clubs that are now being forced off public land at Surin, Kamala, Laem Sing, Bang Tao, Layan and Laypang beaches.

Vendors who sell space on loungers at beaches are also being ordered off the sand, with action likely to restrict the future of jet-ski operators who have scammed tourists for years.

Encroachment by entrepreneurs on public parkland using fake title documents is likely to be high on the military's list of Things to Do. It's anticipated that the ''Phuket model'' for fixing tourism will quickly be rolled out in Krabi, Phang Nga, Samui and Pattaya


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And about bloody time!!!!!

Posted by Elizabeth on July 1, 2014 05:47


Krabi is one step ahead, Ao Nang no-Beach-Chakrist zone.

But PhiPhi is apparently back on pre-tsunami track of arrogant and shameless greed and fraud..

Recent development in Phuket, surely, are warmest welcome and are highly appreciated, but it is important that is only beginning of the road , not even half: integrate beach management system to be designed and introduced, some beaches like Surin needs regeneration (reported nails etc.), and many other points.

I am carefully optimtimistic, but prefer here to judge by results, not on expectations.

Posted by Sue on July 1, 2014 06:18


A wonderful sentiment. However, I will believe it when Patong gets a cleaning. It is no secret that there is an entrenched criminal element involved in many of the bars and nightclubs that run along Rat-U-Thit including the Paradise and Bangla "entertainment" zones. The laws and regulations are on the books, just start enforcing them.

Posted by Ryan on July 1, 2014 11:33


I was speaking to a Thai friend the other day who said that she had been approached for the first ever time for 'tea money' from her business. Not appropriate here to mention which organisation made the approach but I'm sure the wise can work it out. They are suffering at the moment as their traditional sources have dried up since the crackdown. I guess all the tales about the wives being 'successful business women' were just that- tales.

Although I welcome the fact that the taxi 'co-ops' have been knocked back a bit I think it is too early to use the term 'sorted out'. With crackdowns still planned for Patong and the Airport there is still a way to go but its an impressive start. The proof will be when/if a reformed andwell regulated taxi service with realistic fares is introuduced.

Many people I have talked to, be they Thai, expats ( in the loosest terms) and visitors to the island are very impressed with the effect the Army has made so far in Phuket and look forward to continued efforts to crack down on the corruption that has been strangling the place for too long. Time will tell.

Posted by Mister Ree on July 1, 2014 12:06


Well said Ryan patong is the main rats nest and in most need of a clensing

Posted by scunner on July 1, 2014 21:37


The Real Name of this War on Terror, Poverty, Injustice, Unrest, Drugs, Addiction and Crime is called CORRUPTION.
Plain and simple.

Global Think Tank ~ "Corruption: The Unrecognized Threat to International Security" -

We will not be able to turn the page on history until our good world leaders officially and publicly Declare the "WAR ON CORRUPTION".

Otherwise we will remain 'stuck', with all of the above issues growing as a direct result from corruption.

Posted by Anonymous on July 2, 2014 08:18


Now that the authorities have made a move on the taxi tuk tuk mafia how about ridding the streets of Patong from those bloody expats that pull you up to scratch and win nothing - their aggression is getting worse and they are getting nastier every year - they are nothing but parasites and a blot on the Thai society and even have tourists not coming because of their attitude - send them all home they are not welcome here.

Posted by Chopsfm on July 2, 2014 16:34

Editor Comment:

That's being organised, Chopsfm. See how many pester you in three months.


For those of you who are lucky enough to know Ao yon Beach in Cape Panwa (the one where Coral Seekers is based), they are now building a horrible low cost hotel on the beach front. After checking with the land registry it would appear that the land they are building on only allows for a 2 storeys buidling, covering 25% of the land. The monstrosity they are building is 5 storeys high, and covers 100% of the land. Construction is now well underway and until recently I thought there was nothing that could be done... Seeing that the Military is now "cleaning up" Phuket, is there any actions that can be taken to try and stop the destruction of one of the only "untouched" beaches in Phuket? Any advice would be much appreciated!

Posted by AoYonBeach on July 2, 2014 18:32


Get rid of the prostitution. Where prostitution thrives, like gambling, corruption/trafficking/drug dealing surely follow. And that goes for all of Thailand. They want 'quality tourists'? get rid of that which encourages society's bottom feeders.

Posted by jonty on July 3, 2014 15:48



You should set realistic targets. It is not possible to get rid off of prostitution.

Even NY attorney followed temptation..

Posted by Sue on July 3, 2014 17:26


How can Patong allow 2 main roads,Soi Sansubai and Expat Soi to be privately owned? These roads should be controlled by the city.

Posted by Zig on July 9, 2014 07:15


@ Jonty

suggest you read guns girls gambling, and ganja, quite informative

you may be surprised it mainly Asians that foster this market in Thailand not the western tourists

Posted by Michael on July 9, 2014 07:49


Zig, it's not hard to understand, if you own the land you can either build on it or put a road on it, in fact you could use it to dump rubbish. You should be thankful there is a road.

Posted by Laurie Howells on July 9, 2014 10:12

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