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Ruth Jane Antonial, stranded at Phuket International Airport

Stranded Phuket Nanny Turned Away by Singapore

Friday, November 1, 2013
PHUKET: A woman from the Philippines is today stranded at Phuket airport's Crime Crisis Centre awaiting a flight home. Nanny Ruth Jane Antonial, 37, came on holiday with a family from Singapore but when she tried to reenter the island nation today, she could not produce a work permit. As a result, officials in Singapore put Ms Antonial on a flight back to Phuket. She has no choice except to catch a flight back to the Philippines.


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Sounds harse but she was earning money and should know the rules of a country she is entering. It would appear she was earning money illegally whilst benefiting from Singapore services, like Police, fire etc. I don't even work in Thailand and don't like paying for Visa trips in Thailand but I do so as it is the law. No sympathy here.

Posted by Same, same but different on November 1, 2013 11:37


In every country you need to respect the local laws, regardless of if you agree with them or not.

As long as you are not a citizen of that country, you have no say in what laws are enacted and enforced.

According to international immigration statistics, the top abusers of tourist visas are Filipino and Thai women.

This results in strict visa regulations which at times seem excessive and discriminatory.

I have no sympathy for this lady. She knew she was flaunting the law and got caught. Being a TNT only makes life harder for legal OFWs.

Posted by ThaiMike on November 1, 2013 12:06


I assume that the Singaporean family expose themselves to punishment for employing a person without a work permit ?

Posted by Sailor on November 1, 2013 13:07



They do if they are caught employing someone illegally although this case maybe not as the lady in question never entered the country. They are fairly on top of that if landlords are caught renting to illegals they face massive fines and maybe even lose the properties which arenot cheap in Singapore

Posted by Michael on November 2, 2013 02:05

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