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Welcome to Phuket's Uglytown. Place your advertisement here

Sign of the Times in Phuket's Uglytown

Thursday, October 31, 2013
PHUKET: The quest for civic pride in Patong has taken another step backwards with the erection of new poles containing space for advertising in a holiday destination overloaded with misplaced promotions. The roads in some places are an international disgrace. The sex shows in Patong damage the modern image that Thailand seeks. The photo touts abuse protected slow lorises. Traffic doesn't flow here, it stagnates. Patong is rapidly becoming Phuket's Uglytown. But no opportunity to sell anything will ever be overlooked.


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soon there is a new election for there is some hope

Posted by wm on October 31, 2013 09:59


beach road is a complete turn off for visitors - tuk-tuks double parked, billboards and cables everywhere. it needs to be an access road for the beach not a congested ugly and dirty main thoroughfare

Posted by RB on October 31, 2013 11:47


Where does all the money go?

Posted by gee on October 31, 2013 13:15


A Bill board has only 1 intention. To draw Attention. This allways bad for Traffic Safety.

Posted by PhuketExpat on October 31, 2013 16:01


Patong is in such a downward state of mismanagement and dereliction that
it is amazing people visit the place for a second time.
Only time will tell.

The roads are not only an international disgrace but also a national one.
If you visit neighbouring Phang Nga province for example and travel
100 km into the middle of nowhere, the roads are almost perfect.
The comparison is quite breath taking and astounding.

It is surprising that the local government are not rather
embarassed. They certainly should be.

A new mayor? It needs a lot more than that.

Perhaps afer Patong has finally destroyed itself, it
will somehow manage to resurrect itself in a less greedy
and selfish fashion. There is hope yet.

Posted by wyn on November 1, 2013 02:35


I think you are all being a little precious.............People visit Patong for the energy,atmosphere and spectacle.

Not the most beautiful town in the world but it is Patong.

Instead of all the sledging and blaming you could always do something constructive and go and visit the local member and give some advice on beautifying the area.... will fall on deaf ears without fist fulls of baht but who knows ....

To the black pick up I saw pull up on beach road and pass a rolled up bundle of baht the size of a football to the policeman...I saw your plate ;)

Posted by Ty on November 1, 2013 04:48


Sorry Ty, but if Thais themselves allowed their governants to do this shame, can I know how we (farang) whitout WP, should go and suggested to someone proud and with a different vision of all the things how beautifying the area?!?!?!?!?!?

Posted by dave on November 1, 2013 10:04


Those signs make Phuket look ugly. I hope that they will take them off as fast as they can.

Posted by LN on November 7, 2013 11:01


Patong is a chaotic shambles .. And I like it ..!

Posted by Sean on November 16, 2013 19:01

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