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The Australian man is prepared for life-saving surgery this week

Phuket's 18-Storey Plunge Survivor Comforted by Family

Friday, November 16, 2012
PHUKET: Relatives of the Australian man who survived an 18-storey plunge this week on Phuket are ''amazed, absolutely amazed'' that he survived.

Two people believed to be close relatives of the man were at his bedside in the intensive care unit at Vachira Phuket Hospital today when Phuketwan dropped by.

The man, aged 39, appeared to be in animated conversation and able to use his right hand.

The woman told us that the prognosis was for a long and difficult recovery. But she readily agreed that his survival was remarkable.

''Eighteen floors is a long way to fall,'' she said.

She confirmed that an official from the Australian embassy in Bangkok had visited Phuket yesterday to see the man and address his welfare needs.

She said she had noted that Phuketwan had not used the man's name, and that this would help him eventually return to a normal life.

One leg was shattered when he fell through an awning at the Royal Paradise Hotel in Patong.

The awning appeared to be firm enough to break his fall, but soft enough to cushion his high-speed descent.

Doctors said his survival from a fall of that height was rare.

A major operation yesterday to attend to a ruptured spleen and other internal injuries has stabilised his condition.

It's likely he will need further treatment on Phuket before being able to fly home to Australia.


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Glad that he survived the fall - a lucky man. Are the nurses in the photo queuing up to get his lottery numbers?

Posted by Mister Ree on November 17, 2012 07:28

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