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Phuket Wins New Flights from Frankfurt Via Cambodia

Monday, November 5, 2012
PHUKET: Weekly flights from Frankfurt to Phuket via Siem Reap in Cambodia will become regular from Saturday, adding to Phuket's high season appeal among Germans.

Next Saturday's Condor Air service is being flown by a 270-seat Boeing 767-300.

It's the latest sign that Phuket's popularity in Europe is continuing to grow and flourish despite a harsher economic climate there.

On Friday, the first flight in a new twice-weekly Thai Airways service from Stockholm to Phuket arrived to complement a year-old Copenhagen-Phuket service.

And a TUI Travel group Dreamliner will be coming to Phuket direct from Britain from November 5 next year in a breakthrough that indicates the right kind of economically and environmentally sensitive aircraft can encourage long-haul travel.

The Condor Air flights from Saturday land in Siem Reap - appealing because of the fabulous temples of Angkor Wat - at 6.05am and leave for Phuket at 7.25am before heading back to Franfurt later in the day.

An upgrade at Siem Reap airport is set to double its capacity to five million passengers by early 2013.

The Frankfurt-Siem Reap-Phuket flights will operate through until March.


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You are sure that its adding to Phuket's appeal? Condor is flying to Burma and Cambodia, because a lot of Germans like to leave the plane before finally getting to Phuket. The years before Condor did fly direct to Phuket without a stop at the neighbors. A hassle of nearly two hours longer flight to Phuket...

Posted by Lena on November 5, 2012 17:08


So. Done it. And here is the appeal:

We board in Frankfurt, then the pilot tells us, we have lucky winds, so lucky we would fly too fast and the airport of Siem Reep would be still closed, so have to wait half an hour before take off(finally 45min... ever have to wait on board with little kids while the plain is not flying?) Then of we go, flying about same time as to Phuket, only to land at Siem Reep. We have to de-board for a 1h stint, of which we had to wait 45 min outside the (hot, we in warm cloths...) airport for the baggage security check, yes, just come of a plane, but to get into the airport to wait to get back on the very same plane, we had to be searched again. Only one plane on this baby airport, 10 people helping the only lane, but they treated everyone like smuggling guns and explosives "open bag please"... Nearly lost two yoghurts (my kids sleep through the 1am breakfast on the plane) to their sharp eyes... In the airport we could at least visit the toilette, then our flight was called again. Do not know, if people still in front of the security lane missing the plane... and again, not two+ planes on the runway, just ours. But guess not, boarding took long enough.

Flight to Phuket took 90 extra minutes, so that was adding a total of over 2 and a half hour of extra appeal to Phuket.

But at Phuket airport all immigration was open and I think with arrival of the baggage most were done there.

Btw. you want to visit Siem Reap from Phuket? No problem, plane will take you there via Frankfurt.

Posted by Len on November 11, 2012 18:22

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