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Paris Hilton launched a Phuket beach party . . . in Bangkok

Paris Hilton's Two-Day Phuket New Year Beach Party, Key Talks Set To Take Place

Monday, November 5, 2012
News Analysis

PHUKET: The Great Paris Hilton Debate continues on Phuket tomorrow when Phuket's Governor meets with resort representatives and the organiser of the two-day party at Surin beach this New Year.

Without going any further, Phuketwan has to declare the following bias on this issue:

We believe all Phuket beaches should be managed by a single Phuket Beach Authority with the responsibility for protecting Phuket's beaches and managing their future, as Phuket's prime tourist attractions.

Our view is that the farce surrounding this beach party at Surin is evidence that all of Phuket's beaches need to be managed more efficiently, for the sake of the future of tourism on Phuket.

Most readers are probably familiar with the issue.

A two-day New Year party has been organised for Surin beach at a time when all of Phuket's five-star resorts are fully booked, and when the island usually posts a ''house full'' sign.

The promoters of this event, Bangkok-based and Bangkok-organised, and allegedly backed by the Bangkok government, believe they can attract 50,000 fans to a grand two day event on Surin beach over New Year.

The owners of six resorts and villa havens around the beach have written an open letter to Phuket Governor Maitree Inthusud, pointing out that it's a great idea - but in the wrong place and at the wrong time.

Phuket needs more families looking to relax, especially the well-heeled groups who come to the island between Christmas and New Year.

Resort managements are usually very shy and for six of them to send an open letter is an indication of their concern about this event.

What they actually mean by writing the letter is that the hard work they have put into building up regular family customers to return year after year to relax on Phuket will be blown away if this event goes ahead.

How did this concept reach the stage where it was announced by Paris Hilton in Bangkok, without the resorts surrounding Surin beach knowing?

Who approved it? And who has the right to decide when Phuket's public beaches are used for private gain?

These are the questions that Phuketwan will be asking if we are allowed into tomorrow's meeting.

While we do not doubt the good intentions of the organisers, we think this is a classic case of the left hand not knowing what the right hand is doing.

Whoever gave permission, whoever sanctioned this event, did not ask the right people about whether it was a good move for Phuket at this time of the year, at Surin beach.

And that's why whatever happens tomorrow, a new body - the Phuket Beach Authority - should be created to make sure a conflict like this one doesn't arise again.

Phuket's beaches are Thailand's public treasures. Any commercial activities taking place on them should be held purely in the interests of preserving them for future generations.

We hope all the participants at the meeting at Provincial Hall in Phuket City tomorrow agree.


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Please don't let Paris Hilton party in Phuket. My family and I have been going every Christmas and really enjoy the family atmosphere. This over aged juvenile woman will only attract people like herself.

Posted by Lucy on November 5, 2012 21:11


Well it's taken time but let's hope the Governor can call a halt. Whilst a lot of people will say it should go ahead they do not live in this peaceful area. Surin was once the jewel of Phukets beaches this party would finally kill it off. Yes have your party but somewhere else, somewhere the residents want it. If it goes ahead this year you can be sure it will happen again and again,the hotels will suffer and in the end Phuket will suffer.

Posted by Granitebeetle on November 5, 2012 21:45


I think its a great idea where can i buy tickets

Posted by yozza on November 5, 2012 23:20


"While we do not doubt the good intentions of the organisers..."

I think their intention is to make money.

Posted by Buster on November 5, 2012 23:28


As the saying goes ... the needs of the many (tourists) out-weigh the needs of a few ... rich people who want to throw a 2 days party at the expense of others.

Defintely wrong time, and wrong venue. If Paris Hilton and her motly crew wants to throw a party, how about choosing one of the many inhabited islands in and around Phuket. Spoilt for choice without upsetting the neigbors.

Posted by reader on November 6, 2012 00:10


Why not have it at Hat Rin Beach in Koh Phangnan where all the full moon parties are held .......they are accustomed to having that kind of event there........

Posted by arby on November 6, 2012 01:18


How would she be allowed into Kingdom to begin with...? She has a couple widely publisized drug convictions...Have the party in Cambodia...We don't need her here.

Posted by Ted Davis on November 6, 2012 02:28


A Phuket Beach Authority is badly needed. I hope this party does not go ahead, and that Phuketwan is allowed the opportunity to voice its opinion at the meeting tomorrow. It is clearly a VERY BAD idea for this to be held at Surin Beach, and will scare away the family tourists who come to this area every year.

Posted by Jacquie Pinnell on November 6, 2012 02:42


Very exciting! will be a great party for new year. how do we buy tickets?

Posted by poppops on November 6, 2012 06:28


The reason why the local authority in Phuket isn't aware, is because most of them are put there by Bangkok.

So at the end of the day, whatever BKK decides, will go ahead.

Posted by Tbs on November 6, 2012 09:25


That's a great party going on there! Got a discount for a 2 days deal ticket, (at

Posted by Dominque on November 6, 2012 16:23

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