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Confessed rapist Peerayut Nutamara behind bars on Phuket today

Phuket Rapist Beaten Up by Victim's Boyfriend in Citizen's Arrest

Thursday, October 11, 2012
PHUKET: Vigilantes chased down a rapist today and beat him up before handing him over to Phuket police.

One of the vigilantes was the young boyfriend of the 18-year-old Burmese woman who had been raped at knifepoint by Peerayut Nutamara, 29.

With his face marked by the beating, Khun Peerayut signed a confession this afternoon at Chalong Police Station in southern Phuket.

The rapist, the boyfriend and the young woman all worked at the same furniture factory in southern Phuket.

About 10.30am today, Khun Peerayut pulled a knife on the 18-year-old woman at the factory. He took her to her room in a dormitory where the rape took place.

When she was freed she ran to tell her boyfriend, who with another man quickly tracked down Khun Peerayut and administered a beating before taking him to Chalong Police Station.

Khun Peerayut has been charged with rape and is being kept in a cell at Chalong pending an appearance in court.

Police said he had previously been convicted of a robbery in his home province in Thailand's north and had come to Phuket for work.

The woman is reported to be recovering.


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Sadly Mob Justice is condemned here, but the beatings do make the offender think twice about doing it again, Well in SA he/she would not be alive as Mob justice is brutal.

Posted by Gregg p Cornell on October 11, 2012 17:36



Posted by sky on October 11, 2012 18:30


I can't believe people advocate mob justice. This is a slippery slope to anarchy and complete lawlessness, AND the inevitable beating and even killikng of completely innocent people. You should move somewhere where rumours and accusations (false or true) can lead to people being shot, stoned or burned.
Of course, people ask me what I would do in this situation, if it was my girlfriend/daughter/wife? I would probably try to beat the person to death, but I would also expect to be sent to prison for a long time. If we allow vigilante justice to take place without people being punished for it, then society will fall apart.

Posted by christian on October 11, 2012 18:57


Mob Justice is rarely the answer... But so often I find myself smiling at these story's.

Posted by Joel M on October 11, 2012 20:29


Christian are you talikng about. You have just admitted that you would do the same if it was your girlfriend. An eye for an eye is the only justice in this world and all these do gooders need to put themselves in the place of the victims to truly understand how they feel.

Posted by yozza on October 11, 2012 22:12


looks like he just got slapped around a bit,
hardly a "beating"

Posted by ayjay on October 12, 2012 04:15


"Sadly Mob Justice is condemed here" ... Did you really write that ?

Difficult not to feel happy they got him but .... Christian is absolutely right. And articulate. (A different Christian to the usual comments ?)

If you can't understand the contradiction posed by both wanting vengeance and believing in proper justice ... don't worry yourself. This issue is obviously too complex.

Posted by James on October 12, 2012 14:30



That is exactly my point, society can't tolerate individuals to mete out their own justice, even if I'm the one doing the "meteing". It's understandable that people turn violent but it must not be left without punishment.


Yes, this is the normally inarticulate christian, ha ha.

Posted by christian on October 12, 2012 15:37

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