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Rohingya arrested north of Phuket in two vehicles heading south

Rohingya Apprehended in Two Vehicles North of Phuket

Thursday, September 25, 2014
PHUKET: The Army and local officials apprehended two vehicles yesterday north of Phuket containing 37 boatpeople who are believed to be Rohingya.

A tip-off led to the two vehicles being stopped near Takuapa in Phang Nga province about 4pm. Authorities believe the group was being trafficked.

The two Thai drivers, Chawang Songsan and Suriya Yotrak, both 34, were arrested.

Officials were told the vehicles were heading from Ranong on Thailand's border with Burma to Sadao, on the border with Malaysia

Thirty-three men were taken to the council offices in Takuapa overnight and were due to be passed to police and Immigration in Phang Nga Town today.

Three women and a boy were taken to the government-run family shelter in Khao Lak.

Although there was no translator involved, officials believe the group were Rohingya fleeing ethnic cleansing in Burma (Myanmar).


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The marginalized Rohingya are only doing what every other human being is doing - trying to do the best they can in life.

Time will tell the extent to which they are intercepted-coerced-captured-manipulated-(and worse), taken to camps, where some of them end up partaking in virtual slave labor - on Thai fishing vessels for example.

Posted by farang888 on September 26, 2014 02:56


Where is the support of BRAT on this site?

Posted by Feisty Farang on September 26, 2014 13:03


Dear Feisty Farang,

The BRAT is continue appealing to the Thai Government to giving full access to UNHCR regarding Rohingya boat people and trace out human traffickers and book for trail . The BRAT also keep meet with international news medias and world leaders to highlight the plights of Rohingyas. The IOM ,IRC ,NHCT etc also keep in touch with Rohingya detainees. We request Thai Government and international communities to keep these vulnerable Rohingyas in Refugee camps. We don't get yet any satisfactory development . We also educate the Rohingyas through our channel to stop boat people coming . Due to constant genocidal action in their motherland people choice to leave the country . Their ancestral homeland becomes like a concentration camp.
If you have any question please contact to our email .

Posted by Maung Kyaw Nu,President of Burmese Rohingya Association in Thailand (BRAT) on September 27, 2014 02:57

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