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Tourism officials talk to passengers before today's delayed flight

Chinese Charter Passengers Stranded on Phuket Awaiting Aircraft Parts

Friday, September 26, 2014
PHUKET: A planeload of Chinese tourists failed to take flight early today, leaving some of the charter passengers unhappy to be stranded on Phuket.

The Jet Asia flight, cancelled at 12.05am, is rescheduled for takeoff at 4pm today to allow for replacement parts to be brought from Bangkok and fitted.

Flight JF816 had 233 passengers and was due to fly to Shenyang.


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Pay cheap prices you have to be flexible with delays and cancellations.

Posted by Feisty Farang on September 26, 2014 13:48


What do you expect with 'Made in China'! I have seen brand new Chinese built ships, copied from a template for ships built for a Singapore company in Korea, deteriorate to look like 10 year old vessels after only 2 years in service.

Posted by Logic on September 26, 2014 22:11


@ Logic

How does a Boeing 767 turn into "Made in China" ? Just because it happens to be carrying Chinese passengers ? What a profoundly illogical statement.

Posted by Herbert on September 27, 2014 09:18


-"Logic- -Made in China"?-What you are ranting about? JET ASIA, is a Thailand based airline with a fleet of US built Boeing 767.

Posted by Alfred on September 27, 2014 09:41

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