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Horror death: Terdpong Putdhapitak, 29, Phuket journalist and DJ

Phuket Toll Horror: DJ Dragged to His Death Under Hit-Run Pickup

Thursday, August 1, 2013
PHUKET: A young Phuket journalist and DJ has died after being knocked from his motorcycle and dragged under a pickup for 700 metres by a hit-run driver yesterday.

The horrific crash took place in Thepkasattri Road, Phuket's main artery, about 2.30pm yesterday.

Terdpong Putdhapitak, 29, was struck from behind by a white Mitsubishi as he rode his motorcycle south, not far from the landmark SuperCheap store.

Khun Terdpong was trapped beneath the pickup as the driver crashed on, into a second motorcycle and then another pickup, before speeding off.

Khun Terdpong slipped to the roadway 700 metres further on. The pickup's numberplate also fell to the ground as the driver took off.

The badly injured young journalist, who worked for Siang Tai and was also a DJ for Blue Wave FM, was rushed to Vachira Phuket Hospital in Phuket City where he succumbed to internal injuries, with his limbs also broken.

The driver of the pickup, Amard Hemwopng, 58. later surrendered to officers at Phuket City Police Station.

Khun Terdpong's body is being taken home to Pattalung province today for cremation and burial.

Phuket Public Health ceased issuing monthly updates on Phuket's road toll in April 2012. Since then, people on Phuket have had no way of knowing whether measures designed to improve safety on Phuket's roads are working or not.


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RIP- another tragic waste of life, compounded by the actions of the truck driver. I know its conjecture but if he had stopped straight away Khun Terdpong may not have sustained such horrific injuries and survived.

Cowardly drivers who do a runner from accidents should get a mandatory 5 years in prison (this is just a personal opinion). It happens in far too many cases in Phuket.

Posted by Mister Ree on August 1, 2013 12:33


Since fleeing the scene of an accident entails no penalties in Thailand, it's become the modus operandi.

Driving under the influence is cited to be a factor in over 75% of all accidents in Thailand, yet only a handful are actually charged for it.

Run away and report after all traces of alcohol or drugs in blood have gone.

Fleeing the scene of an accident should result in mandatory jail time, on top of any other possible penalties the suspect is found to be guilty of.

Had the driver stopped, the DJ might still be alive. For that alone he should get a murder charge.

Posted by ThaiMike on August 1, 2013 12:42


What a horrible end, R.I.P. the poor DJ

Posted by paul on August 2, 2013 14:10

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