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Troubled tourists with police in Patong early today

Patong Punchup Leaves Tourists Battered

Tuesday, July 30, 2013
PHUKET: A group of men in Patong took on a South African family with their fists in a dispute, Phuket police were told today.

A 46-year-old man whose name was given as Bob House told them that he and other family members had been chased by men and beaten as they ran in different directions.

The altercation began about 1.45am in Patong's Rat-U-Tit 200 Pi Road with a man in a red shirt, Patong police managed to determine.

The man called for help from friends, police said, and the family scattered in all directions from the scene of the incident, near the Aloha Hotel.

The South African family - the man, his wife and two children - were treated at Patong Hospital for superficial cuts and bruises. They did not wish to take the matter further, according to police.


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what nationality were the 'group of men'

Posted by eezergood on July 30, 2013 18:33

Editor Comment:

We report from Thailand so we don't note the nationality of the people who live here. If we were reporting in the US, for example, there would be no need to say ''an American man.'' He would just be ''a man.'' Likewise reporting in Britain, Australia, Russia etc.


Britain aside, as I know you are one for accuracy, leaves to much abiguity - English, Scottish & so on. The report says gang of men, these could as easily been German as Thai. For the sake of clear concise journalism, they were a 'gang' of Thai nationals?

Posted by eezergood on July 30, 2013 18:54

Editor Comment:

If we were a British publication, we would never report ''a gang of British men.'' If the men were any other nationality apart from Thai, we would label their nationality. It's a simple universal rule, obvious to most people, eezergood.


Since when do you not note the nationalites of parties involved? An American expat living in Bangkok was stabbed to death a few weeks ago, Every news network stated the attacker was a Thai person. Does tis policy depend on the severity of this situation?

Posted by thomas on July 30, 2013 19:14

Editor Comment:

I think you'll find he was mostly described by Thai publications as a Bangkok taxi driver. International news agencies and newspapers outside Thailand take a different approach. But it's a general rule. There is no point to noting the presence of Americans in the US, British in Britain or Thais in Thailand.


Interesting that the family not wanted to take the case further, there will be for sure a good reason...

Posted by Eric on July 30, 2013 19:37


When the report originates in a dense tourist area with many nationalities, I agree, it does take further clarification.
[Ed will now vilify and ridicule my view.]

Posted by nicgalore on July 30, 2013 20:49

Editor Comment:

Phuket is likely to remain a part of Thailand for a little while longer, nicgalore. There are times in central London in summer when tourists outnumber the locals, but i imagine both The Sun and The Guardian would laugh off the suggestion that they should write ''A British town crier welcomed the birth today of baby Cambridge'' . . . when the UK and US newspapers adopt your idea, we'll think about it. Until then, it remains borderline bigotry.


The family did not want to take the case any further, so why bother ?

Posted by Sailor on July 31, 2013 00:59


Eric, I would think the South African Family, Just dont want to have to extend their holiday to sit in court or police stations. Trouble in Thailand was screened here in South Africa and I too have been scammed twice by the same restaurant in Karon, But i did not go to the Police Station Next Door as I did not want to spoil my holiday. I just stopped going there after over 150 visits, and I won't be supporting them In my visit Next Month.

Posted by Gregg P Cornell on July 31, 2013 03:50


I think that yes, a paper in England, if it was in a highly touristic part of the country (or say happened in the Olympic village during the Olympics), would state the origin of the gang. To clarify that it was not a Tourist on Tourist fight but something different. That in itself is news and something the paper might wish to analyse for clues as to why the incident occurred at all.

Posted by Mel on July 31, 2013 06:44

Editor Comment:

Phuket is not the Olympic village. We'd welcome anyone involved coming forward with information.


Not noting both nationalities when it is not obvious is misleading at best.

Posted by eezergood on July 31, 2013 08:00

Editor Comment:

Nobody knows the nationality of the ''man in the red shirt'' with absolute certainty, so declaring the nationality of all those involved would be absurd. We have no intention of making fools of ourselves. Feel free, though, if you must.


Of course Phuket is not an Olympic Village, I am sure you understood that I was using this as an British example of a situation when an British paper might clarify the group was British. I find your response facetious but I have read your replies to many on this website, so I should not be surprised.

Posted by mel on July 31, 2013 18:09

Editor Comment:

A Thai newspaper might clarify the situation too if Thailand had an Olympic Village, and if there was a punchup in their Olympic Village. Outside their Olympic Villages, though, both British and Thai news organisations would just say ''a man.''


Look up the word petulant ed!

Talk about getting off topic, perhaps your time would be better spent repoting the news rather than having a running commentary for every slight you think you may have faced!

Posted by eezergood on July 31, 2013 19:05

Editor Comment:

You have a vivid imagination, eezergood. I don't have problems with slights or petulance. What really gets to me is readers who constantly whine for attention. Contribute value, stay on-topic, or you won't be posted again.



Posted by Anonymous on July 31, 2013 21:31

Editor Comment:

Have no fear, Ted Davis. I've forwarded your email to the police. Expect a visit.



Posted by Scooter on August 3, 2013 09:17

Editor Comment:

No bigots needed here, Scooter. Off you go.

Tuesday September 17, 2024
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