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The Patong toilet attendant, assaulted on Phuket over a five-baht fee

Phuket Punch Shames Aussie Tourist

Friday, December 26, 2014
PHUKET: An Australian man was narrowly saved from a beating by a mob of angry taxi and tuk-tuk drivers in Patong last night after he punched a woman in the eye when she asked him for five baht for a few pieces of toilet paper.

Police Region 8 volunteers were metres away and managed to intervene to rescue the man as he fled from what would have been a certain hiding.

A little later at Kathu Police Station, the 47-year-old Aussie - reckoned to weigh 90 to 100 kilos - felt remorseful. When asked to pay 30,000 baht in compensation, he said: ''Better make that 50,000 baht.''

It is believed his travelling companions told him they didn't want anything more to do with him unless he settled the issue reasonably.

Police volunteers believed the man was already very drunk at 9.45pm when he went to use the toilet in a group of bars in Rat-U-Tit 200 Pi Road, opposite Taipan.

According to the woman, he refused to pay five baht for toilet paper and punched her in the eye.

The man initially said that the woman threw a plastic chair at him but there was no support from his group who were nearby, especially not from the women.

Police volunteers were standing nearby at the top of Soi Bangla when the man ran past, followed by the woman screaming loudly that she had been punched, and bringing taxi and tuk-tuk drivers at the run.

''We had a police radio so we called the regular officers and they were on the scene within seconds,'' one volunteer told Phuketwan today.

The man's wife, who was born in Thailand, managed to defuse the situation at the police station and the man gradually appeared to realise the enormity of his actions.

''If we hadn't been there, and intervened to stop the crowd getting at the man, it could have been a massive incident,'' a volunteer told Phuketwan today.

''God knows what would have happened. But it wouldn't have been good for tourism.''

The bottom line: refusing to pay five baht in the end cost the Australian 50,000 baht, perhaps the most pricey few sheets of toilet paper in history.

Phuketwan has opted not to name the man in the hope that his remorse is real and that his wife and female friends can explain to him what he's done. Other news outlets may not be so kind.

It's expected that he will not be seen in Patong at night again.


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the last idiot is not yet born...

Posted by frog on December 26, 2014 14:24


That stupid farang should have wiped himself with 1000 baht notes-he still would have saved a fortune as well as saving face......

Posted by Anonymous on December 26, 2014 14:36


There are lots of tiny little things that can get under your skin in Thailand . Like too much Xmas cheer , er , beer for instance combined with being charged for that which in your own country is free. But to punch a woman who is trying to make a living in what must be an awful job, over a few cents is disgraceful. Beer , the great eraser of context ,sanity and basic human principles.

Posted by carvets on December 26, 2014 14:42

Editor Comment:

You're assuming he was drinking beer and not something less healthy and beneficial.


This bastard deserves everything he gets.
Pity the Tourist police saved him from the angry mob.
Here's hoping his friends dump him.
Some tourists shouldn't be allowed to leave home without completing an anger-management course. People like this low-life make it hard for the rest of us.

Posted by TC on December 26, 2014 15:03

Editor Comment:

Region 8 volunteers are different to TP volunteers.


At 47 years of age he deserves to be named - and shamed. There's no excuse for an idiot of his size to hit anybody, let alone a defenceless woman.

Posted by Pete on December 26, 2014 15:40


Where does the 50,000B go ?

Posted by Lucho on December 26, 2014 16:20


I remember when a tuk tuk tout punched an Aussie in the face and pushed his pregnant wife down the steps in front of Jungceylon. Both Aussies had hands full of shopping bags and the guy had the audacity to say no to the driver. The driver was arrested and charged 500 baht and walked out of the police station laughing.

Posted by rc on December 26, 2014 19:58

Editor Comment:

We don't remember that. Are you sure your imagination is not fuelling your biases?


I compliment the tourist police with being a buffer and prevented escalation. (moderated)

Posted by Kurt on December 26, 2014 20:52

Editor Comment:

The people involved were Region 8 volunteers, not Tourist Police. Your opinions don't add value.


A disgraceful show of behaviour from another " quality tourist "
So Russian run over by speedboat should proportionately be offered about 5 million baht by the ? Sober ? Driver

Posted by Save phuket on December 26, 2014 22:36

Editor Comment:

You seem confused and unable to understand the difference between a negotiated settlement and a non-settlement. As for calling Australians quality tourists . . . I am afraid your comments add no value.


Shame on you.
This woman worked until late evening for her livings and she was beaten by a drunker like you.
You are in poor spirit!
The shame on you.
(On 2 January I will be in Thailand at Bangkok and Phuket until February and I wish not to meet incidense like your "occassion").

Posted by PARIS on December 27, 2014 00:46


Unfortunately to many to many so called tourists come to Thailand and behave in ways they would not dream of doing in their home countries, bogans and rednecks is the only way to describe them and they should be kept in a cage

Posted by Peter Allen on December 27, 2014 08:13


Editor,do you think all Australian visitors are like this person? Many Australians would be disgusted with this person and want nothing to do with him. Your bias is obvious and your comments add no value.

Posted by Signal1 on December 28, 2014 08:33


@ Editor: In regards to your comment to "rc", please look at at the article from Friday, April 6, 2012. I don't know about the arrest of the driver and the fine, because it is not mentioned in that article, but to react to your reader with: are you sure your imagination is not fueling your biases, is a bit harsh, no? Just because you don't remember things, it doesn't mean they did not happen.

Posted by Carl on December 28, 2014 12:37

Editor Comment:

Indeed. Please send me the headline so I can check that story. Dealing with thousands of articles means some are inevitably forgotten. There have certainly been cases where tuk-tuk drivers have behaved badly in the past. But what that has to do with this case? I would suggest to you, Carl, and to rc, that the answer is: ''Nothing, Zero, Nil.'' rc may be letting a case that occurred years ago fuel his bias. As for me, I have no biases or prejudices.


It is so unbelievable that there is always one or two tourist (in any country) that think that because they pay to be in the country on holiday they can do and demand as they please. Really this guy should not only get a fine but also bet a block on his passport for entering the Kingdom again for at least 5 years. Australian tourist.... hmmm ..... and look how Australia treats foreigners entering their country on holiday .......

Posted by Jacques on December 28, 2014 14:50

Editor Comment:

How does Australia treat foreigners entering their country? And what possible connection can that treatment have to this unprovoked attack?


As requested:

Posted by Carl on December 28, 2014 15:13

Editor Comment:

Oh, I remember that one. What I don't remember is the one rc described: ''when a tuk tuk tout punched an Aussie in the face and pushed his pregnant wife down the steps in front of Jungceylon. Both Aussies had hands full of shopping bags and the guy had the audacity to say no to the driver.''

As I said to rc: ''We don't remember that. Are you sure your imagination is not fuelling your biases?'' I do hope your imagination is not also working overtime, Carl.


I hope a good portion of that 50k baht goes to the woman who was assaulted.

Posted by fw on December 30, 2014 09:06

Editor Comment:

It's compensation, pw. All of it goes to her.


The coin have always two sides.This is Phuket, baby.

Posted by bibilot on December 30, 2014 12:11


He should go to jail for that.

However, I do not understand the 'compensation' policy in Thailand. Why do people also turn out to pay sums of money at police stations while there is a law in place that states something different. The law doesn't state 50.000THB nor 30.000THB compensation money when punching someone but instead says 500THB fine for fighting. Do not get me wrong, this guy deserves a hefty fine and preferably jail term. The same rules apply with traffic accidents etc. when it comes to compensation money. A friend had a car accident and has 1st class insurance, thus damage was fully paid etc. but he was still required to pay the other party 'compensation' of 20.000THB baht as the girl wasn't able to work for a few days. No supporting documents on her salary and or bank statements were provided to show how much she earns. Why do people have to pay compensation money? Is there a law stating that you mush pay compensation money?

Posted by Richard on December 31, 2014 10:11

Editor Comment:

It's traditional in Thailand where a mediation process has been formally sanctioned for the courts and police stations. However, impromptu mediation as in this case can pose risks. The victim has the money to cover hospital bills etc. The Australian retains his freedom. The police don't have to go to the trouble of filing charges for an assault that, as you say, brings a standard 500 baht fine in Thailand. In this case, it appears to be a win-win-win. However, other cases may not be so clear-cut.

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