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The scene in Thalang where the Dutchman lost his life in a wall collapse

Phuket DIY Horror as Wall Fall Kills Expat

Thursday, May 26, 2011

The man killed by the falling wall was Ruurd Luderus Jansen, 67, of The Valley development in Thalang. His wife runs the popular beach restaurant, Som, at Bang Tao.

Original Report

PHUKET: A European expat's plan for a do-it-yourself modification at a Phuket property cost him his life in a wall collapse, police said today.

The man, aged in his 60s, from the Netherlands, died instantly about 1.30pm yesterday when the wall of a storeroom at a house in a large real estate development in the north-central district of Thalang fell and crushed him.

An officer from Thalang police station told Phuketwan today that the man, who is married to a Thai woman, saw that neighbors had made some modifications to their property next door, and decided to do the same.

The neighbors had used contractors to make the modifications, the policeman said, but the Dutchman decided to do the work himself. It was a decision that cost him his life.

Phuketwan has been given the man's name but is withholding it until relatives have been notified. His body is now in Thalang Hospital.

An alert Phuketwan reader was the first to point out that Mr Jansen's death was the third death of a Phuket Hash House Harrier in a short time.
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His Phuket Hash name is USELESS #1853
Useless was very active as Hash Cash cashier with HHH Phuket.
I had a lot of fun to run side by side with him on HHH Saturday runs and Tinmen runs. Very sad.
For decades, HHH Phuket members has its worst black week as three fellow Hashers dies suddenly:
- Rosie #1252 (Long sickness)
- Blarney Rubble #1346 (Motorcycle accident)
- Useless #1853 (Accident at home)

To all of you, have the last down-down together and Rest In Peace forever.

Posted by Whistle-Blower on May 26, 2011 16:37


We will miss you and remember you.
Rest In Peace...
And strength to your kids, family and friends.

Posted by PhuketExpat on May 26, 2011 18:31


Ruud it was very nice to know you
you will always be in my mind.

Posted by gerrit ros on May 27, 2011 04:32


Ruud you were a great guy and you will be greatly missed by many. Rest in peace.

Posted by Anonymous on May 27, 2011 11:23


Ruurd we are all going to miss your smiles and friendly chats we used to have at the restaurant.

We always used to say jokingly, that will bring the house down, but sh-- we never meant to do that.

Oh dear, R.I.P my friend.

Posted by Graham MacM on May 27, 2011 20:44


From Wikipedia:

"The Hash House Harriers is an international group of non-competitive running, social and drinking clubs."

So one guy rides his 1400 cc bike so fast he kills himself and another knocks a wall down and kills himself.

If these two had been Thai, I think:

a. the stories may not have even been printed, and

b. the comments would have been a bit different to say the least.

Posted by Mike Boyd on May 27, 2011 22:30

Editor Comment:

If these two people had been Thais, they would be being mourned by their friends and families, just the way these two men are. The Hash House Harriers link is coincidental. Most rational, caring people would think you're an thoughtless idiot - and they'd be right.


@Mike Boyd
Before posting your disregardful comment about all hashers around the world and in particular those in Phuket, you should have come once to our many HHH runs on Saturdays and you would see that most of Phuket Hashers are well-known expats living in Phuket with Thai wifes and dual-nationality children or Thai working in local administrations or in the tourism industry.

In Phuket, we are 2139 hashers which is a lot.
On Saturdays we are an average of 120-150 HHH members and most of them do not drink at all.
We have social events as helping to marshal Laguna Phuket Triathlon, helping local schools by providing study materials or helping poor fishing villages in Phuket and Phang Nga.

Posted by Whistle-Blower on May 28, 2011 10:41


@mike boyd either your boyd is dead or somebody left the cage door open and the boyd has flown the coop.
I don't know who you are, but whatever it is, I'm sure everyone will agree with me.

Posted by Graham on May 28, 2011 18:16


boyd once again you have proved yourself to be a complete richard cranium. Some of us are have lost good friends this week and your crass remarks serve no purpose other than to wish you the same harm you feel others deserve. If you knew anything about either incident as some of us do with having had to deal with the aftermath you may have thought before putting pen to paper.

Posted by Mister ree on May 30, 2011 22:43


Another Dutch man that I knew very well, died.

Ruud was a careful man and if the neighbors hired contractors, then it doesn't mean that the construction was GOOD?

Goodbye Ruud!

Posted by Ray on June 1, 2011 03:37

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