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The Patong woman gains precious time with tears and theatrics

Phuket Pirates Stave Off Raiders, Watches Vanish

Thursday, May 26, 2011
The Pirate Raid in Pictures: Album Above

PHUKET: A WOMAN who stalled police with tears at the door to a four-storey warehouse of Phuket copy goods failed to prevent officers using a crowbar to open the pirate treasure trove yesterday.

But when the officers entered, a vast array of copy watches appeared to have vanished - and police noted the hole in the ceiling that could have provided an escape route for someone carrying the fake brand items.

A Nepalese man loitering suspiciously was arrested along with Sanom Haiyoot, 32, whose performance at the entrance delayed police from opening the door with a crowbar.

During the drama in Patong's Soi Mor Wattana (Doctor Wattana Lane) off the beach road, two female tourists noted the crowd of onlookers and sauntered in to check out the prices of sunglasses.

Most of the illicit loot in the large warehouse consisted of luggage and branded bags bearing Louis Vuitton and other well-known upmarket labels. Police quickly packed the bags off into black plastic and the backs of pickups.

Looking on was Thailand's Director-General of Intellectual Property, Pajimachima Thanasanti, who came on the raid with Phuket Police Commander Major General Pekad Tantipong.

Tourists sometimes take pleasure in returning home with imitation brand goods, as well as copies of recent movie and music releases.

But the cash they pay goes to the copiers, not to the people who created the originals.

In recent weeks, raids on pirate stores have become more frequent. More broadly, two Bangkok inquiries are now also underway into corruption on Phuket.
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Hmm. Those tears look counterfeit.

Posted by Sam Wilko on May 26, 2011 11:53


Wow that is a lot of copy items. Nice photos reporters, it's like being there.

Wonder where the watches went? Was David Copperfield here, do you think?

Posted by Graham on May 26, 2011 12:26


Good story --- marvelous pics!!!

Posted by ssresident on May 26, 2011 14:47


makes me wonder how all the goods got to the warehouse without notice?

Posted by mikey on May 26, 2011 23:48


The real Louis Vuitton articles aren't made in Thailand. They're made in Vietnamese sweatshops and are INFERIOR to Thai knock-offs.

Posted by Dania on May 27, 2011 15:34

Editor Comment:

We'd encourage a response from Louis Vuitton to that comment.


Anyone who pays those $1000 + prices for designer handbags is a slave to consumerism.

Posted by MediaWatcher on May 29, 2011 18:07

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