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Here's looking at you: a mosquito admires its mirror image

Death of Child Sparks Dengue Campaign

Saturday, September 21, 2013
PHUKET: Health authorities have launched a three-week campaign against dengue fever on Phuket following the death of a 10-year-old girl, the year's third victim.

The child, who lived in Soi 11 in the Poonpol district of Phuket City, died of the mosquito-borne disease on September 10.

Poonpol was the area chosen to launch the campaign this week. For the next three weeks, local councils throughout Phuket are expected to spray more frequently.

Volunteers have also been walking the streets in many parts of Phuket, informing residents about the need to make sure there are no pools of water around so mosquitoes can breed.

One Phuketwam reader in Patong blamed pools in a vacant plot of land near his home for his debilitating dose of dengue, and wondered who to contact.

He is one of the 1885 cases recorded on Phuket between january 1 and September 13, with the deaths of victims recorded in Chalong and Thalang in April.

Thalang is the disctrict of Phuket where most cases have been recorded, followed by Kathu and Phuket City (Muang).

In order, the highest at-risk areas are Mai Khao (home to some of the island's top five-star resorts) Sarkoo, Thepkasattri, Paklok and Srisoonthorn.

While dengue is considered to flourish in urbanised areas, less developed parts of Phuket at present appear to be the ones where more work needs to be done.

The age groups most vulnerable are, in order, 15-24, 10-14, 5-9, 25-34 and birth to 4 years of age.

Phuket's Governor, Maitree Intrusud, told the anti-dengue launch that the key to avoiding an outbreak was to make sure there were no mosquito breeding grounds.

Community campaigns on islands around Phuket have shown that with vigilance, any place can become dengue-free.

If infected by a dengue-carrying mosquito, people usually suffer intense pain in joints and fever and are often unable to sleep.

They quickly become dehydrated. Anyone with a fever is advised to seek medical advice, rather than go to a pharmacy for medicine.


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I watched a program where they introduced a Modified Mosquito in South America that stopped the Mosquito's from breeding.
The UK have been developing this for several years and its being trialled.

Posted by Tbs on September 21, 2013 09:54


Still pools of water in central Patong. Trust that the spraying takes place soon.

Posted by ssresident on September 21, 2013 09:56


I have resided part time in Phuket for 18 years. They used to spray the drains & hedges around my rented house in Karon on a routine & regular basis - usually twice per month. During my last 2 visits I have not seen any spraying, so the preventative program clearly is not being followed.

It is worth pointing out that in other countries such as Singapore, there are heavy penalties for landowners & building site contractors for allowing stagnant pools of water to accumulate, a breeding ground for the dengue carrying mosquito.

Posted by Logic on September 21, 2013 13:38


I stayed patong beach in August and was eaten alive two nights running until garden crew cut back bush at motel on our balcony as we were ground floor for medical reasons.
Broke out in rash two days before heading home and one day after being home woke up on deaths door. Not nice. !
Rash went after a week or so but came bak a few days later only faint like light purple dots mainly on feet where I was bitten and hands lasted another couple days.
In total probably sik for about 2 weeks. First week was unbearable , second week I prob would of gone hospital but had my kids and my family who were always here to help were all over seas !

Posted by Nadine on September 22, 2013 20:31

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