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Athin Lilajala (right) is greeted at a Phuket temple last night

Phuket's Mons Turn Out at Temple to Greet Respected Monk

Saturday, October 27, 2012
PHUKET: Thousands of Phuket's Mon community turned out yesterday to greet an esteemed monk from Burma.

The monk, Athin Lilajala, is highly respected. He had come to Phuket to raise money for a large temple that is planned for erection in Burma.

More than 2000 people greeted him at the Nakaram Temple in Vichit, south of Phuket City.

Locals in Phuket had been preparing for two months for the visit.

Many of the Burmese who work on Phuket are ethnic Mon. A return visit is planned for December.


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