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Khai island off Phuket, where more and more tourists venture

Banana Boat Death: Captains Vanish

Thursday, November 1, 2012
PHUKET: The ''captains'' of two speedboats involved in a crash that took the life of one Chinese tourist and injured two others have disappeared, a Marine Police officer said today.

''We haven't been able to find these men to ask them what happened,'' Phuketwan was told.

An official at the Chinese Consul in Haad Yai, which also oversees the Phuket region, said: ''The husband of the young woman who died today is grieving deeply.

''These kinds of events should not happen at a holiday destination.''

Kang Xiao Xue, 24, died today at Phuket International Hospital after being admited yesterday with serious injuries from the crash.

Two other Chinese tourists are still being treated at the Phuket City hospital.

Marine Police said they were called to Khai island off Phuket about 4pm yesterday to pick up several injured Chinese tourists.

The officer said he believed the injured were among four tourists on a rubber float, popularly known as a banana boat.

He said the banana float appeared to have been swung too close to the shore, and crashed into the side of a speedboat that was moored or very close to the shore.

Both speedboats are owned by the same company.

''Captains'' of speedboats on Phuket do not undergo any registration or examination. In the past, incidents in which tourists have been injured have not been investigated, nor have those involved been questioned.

The Chief of Phuket's Marine Office 5, Phuripat Theerakulpisut, said today the incident would be investigated.


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Fear not, for Khun Phuripat is on the job! No doubt the death and injuries will therefore be declared - "normal".

Posted by stu on November 1, 2012 14:13


I wonder will this incident be marked down as "natural".

Posted by chrisT on November 1, 2012 14:17


Hit and run on land, swim and run at sea.

Posted by Nick on November 1, 2012 15:08


Well, this will be a test for K. Phuripat.

Perhaps the Chinese envoy will ask him why are boat "captains" not even registered to operate commercial vehicles, let alone given training and required to pass exams to obtain proper licenses.

Considering the tens of thousands of people they ferry in and around Phuket every season, this seems quite difficult to digest.

Posted by Andrew on November 1, 2012 15:38


Very tragic loss of life. If the boat Company cannot advise the police of who these pretend captains are they should be stripped of there rights to operate and made to make hefty compensation to the victims family. ( but i dont think that will happen.) Boat/Skipper's ticket or licence should be mandatory.

Posted by chaseone on November 1, 2012 16:50


So how many deaths is it up to now for the past three weeks of Chinese tourists, in and around Phuket...? Curious...

Posted by Ted Davis on November 1, 2012 18:02

Editor Comment:

Just a short time ago the Chinese Consul went on record in Phuket as saying this year was proving to be an improvement on last year. It may just be that greater transparency means these incidents are being reported nowadays.


RIP Kang Xiao Xue
Your death will be in vain. Totally senseless loss of life. What a stupid accident. Crashing a towed floating device into a parked ship.

And in vain, because Khun Phuripat record shows: "natural accident" when a Russian swimmer was clipped by a speedboat - no investigation, no nothing -, with the to be build pier, where he guaranteed there will be not one problem for the corals (...), for never hearing any complains about Jetski scams, at least it's what he told PW and the consuls so... be continued?

Posted by Lena on November 1, 2012 18:05


the solution, marine police seizures of the two boats and withdraws license to company until they present themselves to the police!!

Posted by storm on November 1, 2012 18:08


If you drive a car, you need a licence and insurance, surely this must be the same for boats. Also, being commercial you must have insurance known as public liability.

Posted by Tbs on November 1, 2012 18:15


As far as I read, driving tests in TH are not same strict and sometimes difficult to pass than in most Western countries.
So, if there are Tests and knowledge similar to car driving license tests necessary in the future to drive boats, I doubt, that that will improve the situation much, regarding the knowledge and responsibility.
Insurance? Also difficult. I drove 2011/2012 for 8 month without car insurance, as my
Ex GF betrayed me regarding the insurance. Nobody recognized, also not the police on regular stops for speeding.
I hope at least, Thai commercial pilots licenses are checked and overseen from different trustworthy people.

Posted by Alfred on November 1, 2012 22:59


Obviously many drive the boats like the cars, many times without any responsible way of thinking and cause death. No control, no prosecution for the guilty ones. Unfortunately I don't see any chance for an improvement in the close future as authorities obviously don't give a damn and just tick off another dead tourist in the statistics.

Posted by Resident on November 2, 2012 06:33


the solution is simple...license all captians..display their documents in the charter the time of boarding each crew member to show their license no boarding...the last step will avoid the bait and switch with charter company claiming a last minute for the two in the above case...typical childish behaviour...

Posted by David on November 12, 2012 16:53

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