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The three touts with the captive slow lorises in Patong last night

Patong Raiders Net Three Slow Loris Touts

Wednesday, June 12, 2013
PHUKET: Three photo touts were arrested with three protected slow lorises in Phuket's nightlife tourist hub, Patong, last night.

According to officers making the arrest, at least one of the touts was charging 500 baht for tourists in Patong's famous walking street, Soi Bangla, to have a photo taken with a loris.

The arrested men - Pitchet Pimrat, Samli Sangjan and Verapong Metula - were taken to Kathu Police Station, which oversees Patong, to be charged.

The lorises, protected creatures, will be taken by Forests department officers and most likely released into the wild in Phang Nga, the province north of Phuket.

Touts tend to reappear quickly on the streets. Slow loris expert Anna Nekaris recently suggested that more severe punishments could stop people reoffending.

Fines in Patong are usually 2000 baht or less. If tourists are paying 500 baht for a photo, the fine probably has small impact.

Last night's raid was led by the Director of Kathu, Veera Kerdsirimongkol, who later organised a checkpoint at the Ket Ho Temple targetting drugs and weapons.

At least 14 people apprehended at the checkpoint last night tested positive for drugs.


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At one stage there was a number to contact the head guy charged with catching these guys, to the ED do you happen to know the number & if it is still relevant?

Posted by eezergood on June 12, 2013 08:30

Editor Comment:

Sorry, we don't have it instantly. Perhaps another reader does?


the small guy is there since years. well know to police and others...again a marketing story...nothing else

Posted by mike on June 12, 2013 09:35


In another article it was said that the tourism police should be called in such situations (115). I did that once and they responded immediatly. Another number I stored in my phone in case a photo tout approaches me is 1136. Can't remember from what department that is.

What number or department should we contact when tourists visit ping pong shows in Patong where animals are used?

Posted by Richard on June 12, 2013 10:22

Editor Comment:

That would be the Ministry of Culture in Bangkok. Lewd behavior is their focus.


Awat Nitikul can be reached at 086-6897040 in order to report these widlife theives!

Posted by eezergood on June 12, 2013 12:11


K. Awat, cheif of the Environmental Conservation Unit regularly posts his personal mobile number to report loris's or other endangered species. It's 086-689-7040

You can also try the Wildlife Trade Hotline at 1362.

You can also report it here: or email photographic evidence, including time and location, to this email address:

Posted by NomadJoe on June 12, 2013 13:31


Last Saturday on Bangla more or less in front of the Kangoroo Pub: 3 or 4 guys with Loris plus another 2 with big green Iguanas...The BiB were standing with 2 cars in front of the Pizza place, playing with there phones, about 200 mts away.

Posted by Resident on June 12, 2013 13:52


@mike not long ago i'd agree with you but now theres a new sheriff in town
Khun veera hes serious and non coruptible,commanding great respect and reverence from honest thais,expats and tourists alike.

Posted by slickmelb on June 12, 2013 17:36


Slow Loris touts are no match for the faster Director of Kathu, Veera Kerdsirimongkol.

Posted by slickmelb on June 12, 2013 18:55


I sent to Mr. Awat Nitikul all the pics of all the people involved by mobile many times. The boss is a lady and the touts are all the times mainly the same (I work in Bangla). I gave also plate number of motorbike and movie about everybodies. The result: police catched only peanuts...

Posted by richard on June 12, 2013 19:18


Tonight there are 5 touts who look like the people in the above photo.
amazing Thailand indeed.

Posted by tbs on June 12, 2013 22:39


I am in contact with tourists all the time, through my job, and you would be amazed how many times I hear that those people feeling great about the fact how they can show off the pictures of them taken with loris, snakes or lizards. And the animals are sooo cute, sir.... And when I tell them, they should not do this because the animals are being mistreated, they look at me as if I come from another planet . Tourists are to blame for all this stuff, because if there was no demand there would be no supply.

Posted by Charles on June 13, 2013 09:05

Editor Comment:

Less well-informed tourists - and the touts - are at fault. Many tourists are aware of the need to protect at-risk species. What they need to be told is that the cute lorises are at-risk and being abused. The ''demand'' is based on lack of information about Thai laws.


nice to unsurprisingly see the same scene once again on Bangla last night as expected after their arrests the night before! Nothing changes, so why bother calling the authorities?

Posted by Anonymous on June 13, 2013 11:20


These touts are back again, I have contacted the relevant people & hopefully another fine or prison sentance is heading their way!

I am ashamed to see Aussies taking these photos, considering the laws and knowledge we have about Koalas for instance.

Posted by eezergood on June 25, 2013 17:16

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