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Australian Embassy Rejects Reports That General's Wife Has Been Refused a Visa

Wednesday, June 4, 2014
PHUKET: The Australian embassy has rejected claims in Thai-language news outlets that the wife of coup commander General Prayuth Chan-ocha has been refused a visa to enter Australia.

''The statement by the Australian Government says clearly that leaders of the coup will be prevented from travelling to Australia,'' an embassy spokesperson said today, making the point that their families were not mentioned.

Australia has followed the lead of the US in cutting some planned events with Thailand in protest at the coup.

In a joint media release on May 31, the Foreign Minister, Julie Bishop, and the Defence Minister, David Johnston, said: ''In line with our concerns, Australia is reducing our engagement with the Thai military and will lower the level of our interaction with the Thai military leadership.

''Australia has postponed three activities planned for coming weeks in Thailand: a military operations law training course for Thai military officers; a reconnaissance visit for a counter improvised explosive device training exercise; and a reconnaissance visit for a counter terrorism training exercise.

''We will continue to review defence and other bilateral activities.

''The Australian Government has also put in place a mechanism to prevent the leaders of the coup from travelling to Australia.

''The Australian Government continues to call on the military to set a pathway for a return to democracy and the rule of law as soon as possible, to refrain from arbitrary detentions, to release those detained for political reasons and to respect human rights and fundamental freedoms.

''Australians travelling to or already in Thailand should visit, familiarise themselves with the travel advice, subscribe to receive regular updates and register their travel plans.

''Australia and Thailand have enjoyed a substantial and warm relationship for more than 60 years, based on shared interests and goodwill, as well as close people-to-people links. We look forward to normalising our relationship as soon as possible.''


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Australia is just one big 'nanny state.' You can't drive over 40km in many areas now and there are red light and speed cameras everywhere. You can't even have a drink at the beach anymore.

The General's wife could buy a book of Australian laws but you can bet they'd have changed them before she arrived.

A Coup is just so politically incorrect.

Posted by Arun Muruga on June 4, 2014 16:45


@ Arun More Thais should know about how horrible it now is to live in most Western Countries. It would improve our image and show we are not all misfits or sex addicts. Too bad the Thai media does not write about things like this.

Posted by Robert on June 4, 2014 17:07


Robert, the western countries are just so bad that their pensioners who move to foreign locations make sure to collect their tax payer supported pensions, and to keep access to medical care in those countries. The fact that most state pensioners never contributed enough to fund there own pensions and that the shortfall is made up by today's taxpayers, doesn't seem to bother them. When they need help, they expect those bad western countries to come running despite no longer paying taxes to support the provision of those services. Oh yes, very horrible indeed.
Arun, if you have an issue with speed limits take it up with the locals since the reduced speed limits are a reflection of local requests. If you are upset by having speed limits enforced in residential and school zones, well yes, I can see why you would love Thailand. As for the not drinking at the beach, that is a gross exaggeration. Glass bottles are forbidden so as to prevent what we see on Thai beaches with discarded rubbish and jagged glass everywhere. In case you missed it, Australians have a problem with alcohol. It is not the state's fault that Australians cannot behave in a civil manner at the beach. Rather it is because of the yobs who start fights and leave trash that these restrictions are in place. And btw, one can always have a cold one at an Australian beach if one is discreet . If you love dirty beaches with obnoxious drunks tossing their bottles, then Patong beach is perfect for you.

Posted by Ryan on June 4, 2014 19:53


- Ryan

Amen to that. I could not agree with you more.

Thailand has great appeal to those who wish to bend and break the rules with impunity or enjoy being able to pay their way out of virtually any legal issue they might get entangled in.

Personally I would be a LOT happier living in an orderly society like Australia. I'm only here by accident and looking forward to be able to leave.

Posted by ThaiMike on June 4, 2014 20:49

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