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Salute for Phuket's new police HQ, formally opened today

New Phuket Police HQ Just Needs More Police

Tuesday, October 13, 2009
PHUKET'S new police headquarters was officially opened in Phuket City today before an audience of VIPs, and with monks chanting for good fortune.

The new location on Yaowarat Road makes the hq harder to miss. Once the Tourist Police hq opens just metres away, this part of Phuket City will become the island's problem-solving centre.

Security cameras around the island especially are likely to all be viewed from here, via a new screening room on the third floor.

Among the VIPs today were the island's leading politicians, both national and local, Phuket's Chief Justice, Varangkana Sujaritkul, and leading resort owners who have long recognised the importance of tourist safety and security.

Overseeing proceedings in uniform were the Governor, Wichai Praisa-nob, and the Phuket Police Chief, Major General Pekad Tantipong.

About 150 officers from the island's total force took part in the proceedings.

The new building should boost morale and make policing less of a hardship. But what's still needed is an increase in police numbers.

The Governor and the Police Chief readily acknowledge that 1160 officers are not enough for the island's proper protection, especially when visiting tourists swell the population to about one million in any high season month.

The governor's ''1000 eyes of the pineapple'' local vigilante system helps, along with 32 tourist police and 20 volunteers.

Security cameras are also useful at times, but nothing is more effective than more officers on the beat. A handsome new building is there now to accommodate the extra officers.
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A handsome new building with no new officers. All form and no substance, just like many things in Phuket. What is the point if there are no new officers?

Is this building going to help them catch the violent rapist who raped a woman in Nai Harn?

Posted by VFaye on October 13, 2009 14:17

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