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Laguna Phuket staff taking part in today's tsunami drill

Tsunami Test Drill Goes Well, Says Laguna Phuket

Thursday, August 1, 2013
PHUKET: Laguna Resorts & Hotels management team has once again launched a mass tsunami evacuation drill, codenamed Safe Haven, with 700 staff joining in from Laguna Phuket's collection of deluxe hotels.

After a series of briefings were given to associates and all hotel guests were notified, the precisely choreographed mass drill was rolled out at 2 pm with communication checks, associates assembling and then making an on-foot evacuation to the designated safe

Today's resort-wide practice is the third edition of this year, following one in January and another in June, to keep associates aware of tsunami threats and prepared for a real crisis.

''Our management and associates walked over kilometre from their respective area to the fallback. In a tsunami crisis, such exercise will help to ensure our guests' and associates' safety,'' said Niyom Tassaneetipagorn, Laguna Phuket's Senior Assistant Vice President of Corporate Affairs.

''The rain stopped in time for us. We had about 700 participants fallback safely and efficiently reach the safe area. By 2.45 pm we ended the drill and resumed normal operation.''


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I wonder if there has ever been a Tsunami drill on Phuket NOT declared a success ?

Oddly enough though when we had a real alert some time back, a large part of the island population did not hear the alert at all, those who did in Patong fled in total chaos and nobody knew if and when it was ok to return because the system had no "All Clear" message.

Seems to me that the drills do little to actually pinpoint and motivate authorities to fix system deficiencies but rather are just window dressing.

Posted by ThaiMike on August 1, 2013 23:24

Thursday October 17, 2024
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