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The blaze destroys a Phuket dive shop at 4am today in Kamala

Spectacular Blaze Razes Phuket Dive Shop

Sunday, December 2, 2012
PHUKET: A fire destroyed a dive shop in Kamala on Phuket's west coast in a spectacular one million baht blaze today.

The blaze is believed to have ignited the thatch roof of the recently-opened Sunset Scuba and Snorkelling Centre about 4am.

The centre's owner was named as Jiraporn Jomsue, 25. A man named William pushed media at the scene and was criticised by local residents.

Firemen said there was also a bar inside the shop. No cause has been established for the blaze.


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Why on earth would anyone want a thatched roof on a commercial building with so much of value inside. I think esthetics won over common sense. Regardless, it's a real shame.

Posted by Ted Davis on December 2, 2012 13:07


Ted- Following the demise of a well known Kamala hostlery earlier in the year the Orbator went around instructing other businesses with thatched roofs to replace them. This is not heresay as a friend had to replace the roof of his establishment. I guess the news didn't get through to new builds though.

Posted by Mister Ree on December 2, 2012 21:38


Just to clarify, was this William person pushing media away from the scene or perhaps to the scene ?

Keen on not having things reported or vice versa ?

Posted by Andrew on December 2, 2012 23:30

Editor Comment:

If we knew the rationale, it would have been reported.

Wednesday December 18, 2024
Horizon Karon Beach Resort & Spa


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