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Brett Bean, missing American surfer who spends time on Phuket beaches

Appeal for Missing American Surfer

Saturday, December 1, 2012
PHUKET: Concerns are being raised for American Brett Chapman Bean, a 43-year-old surfer who was scheduled to fly from Phuket to Bangkok then on to Hong Kong, but failed to make the flight on Tuesday.

Brett's father, Wayne, who lives in California, appealed to Phuketwan overnight for help in finding his son.

''Brett spends about six months every summer on Phuket and has done for the past seven or eight years,'' Mr Bean told us by email from California.

''He was scheduled to leave Phuket on Monday, November 26 to fly to Bangkok, from there he was scheduled to fly to Hong Kong and catch a flight to Los Angeles on November 28.

''He never arrived, I checked the airlines and they said his ticket was not used!

''I have contact the US Embassy in Hong Kong and Bangkok. I tried contacting the Phuket police department on several occasions. Because of the language barrier the best I could gather from the discussion was for me to dial 1155.

''Since I called from the US I had no idea what prefix if any I was supposed to use. I tried every combination I could think of without any luck.

''Did you by any chance run and stories about an accident or anything with the name Brett Bean? I am getting desperate and really need your assistance.''

Mr Bean said Brett is slender, weighs about 170 pounds, was 6 feet one inch tall with blond, receding hair and blue eyes.

''He has a year around apartment somewhere near Patong beach,'' Mr Bean said. ''He is a big surfer, hangs around the beach with lots of other surfers.''

Mr Bean was able to provide flight details and said he was certain his son had not caught the flight from Bangkok to Hong Kong or the flight from Hong Kong to Los Angeles.

He said he could not be sure whether Brett caught the flight from Phuket to Bangkok, as he did not have the details.


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Wayne I have just spoken to the following number which you can call from the US 24 hours a day and they speak English. I hope you locate your son, on the following website you can find near the bottom of the page the number for the Tourist Police - from the US you would dial the international access code 011-then the country code for Thailand 66 then the code for Phuket 76, then the number for the Tourist Police 223891, therefore 011-66-76-223891. Phuketwan as you have Wyne's email address can you forward this to him.

Posted by Happy Farang on December 1, 2012 13:09


Just a remark. Is there no link to establish between the missing mr. Brett Chapman Bean and the corpse found in Patong?

Posted by PhuketExpat on December 1, 2012 14:24

Editor Comment:

None whatsoever at this stage, Phuket Expat, although lots of readers have jumped to the same conclusion and pointed us in the same direction. As we say, speculation and guesswork have no value. Coincidence is always a safer bet.


Ed, did you pass that number on to Wayne?

Posted by Happy Farang on December 1, 2012 15:10

Editor Comment:

Thanks, Happy Farang, we have.


I know Brett from surfing and was very distraught about his disappearance. I called several people who frequent the same beaches and no one has seen him in several weeks.

Posted by Alex on December 7, 2012 13:47


On another article, 'Kay' mentioned, what happened to the friends he was supposed to be having lunch with? They might have some information.

Posted by Friend on December 16, 2012 00:55


So what happened?
Did he turn up or is he still MIA?

Strange the media attention dropped off.

Posted by glen on February 18, 2013 18:07

Editor Comment:

His parents went home. If there is nothing to report, do you really want articles saying 'there is nothing to report?'

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