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Phuket jet-skis and tuk-tuks give hyphens a bad name

Phuket Tuk-Tuks, Jet-Skis, Need Limits: Governor

Monday, January 4, 2010
SORTING out tuk-tuks on Phuket was an enormous task compared to fixing the problems with jet-skis, Phuket Governor Wichai Praisa-ngob said today.

Jet-skis belonged to just a small group but there were more than 1000 tuk-tuk drivers, the governor said.

''If the numbers of jet-skis and tuk-tuks continues to grow, it means local authorities are taking bribes,'' he said.

He agreed that there may still be problems with jet-ski operators trying to cheat tourists. The insurance system was not liked by everyone, he said.

He called for more information from anyone who had a bad experience with jet-ski operators.

''Please remember the number of the jet-ski and go straight to the tourist police, Provincial Hall or your embassy,'' he said.

He has asked the local tessaban councils to post signs on the beaches telling tourists what to do in the event of a jet-ski incident.

Governor Wichai said that if there was enough evidence against a particular operator, he would order the confiscation of the jet-ski.

He added that there should be a cap on existing numbers of jet-skis, and there was no guarantee that the 41 currently uninsured would be allowed to operate.

The governor was talking to the media at Provincial Hall in Phuket City for the first time this year.

People who worked in service areas, from local authorities to police to tuk-tuk drivers, needed to be professional on Phuket when dealing with tourists.

''The island doesn't need lazy, self-interested people,'' the governor said.

Often, he said, he had difficulty gaining the right kind of assistance from the government.

''If I need a knife to cut some vegetables, they will send me a broom,'' he said.

Cooperative participation for unselfish reasons was important, he said.

Phuket is based on tourism and people who benefitted from the industry needed to always keep the proper care of tourists in mind as a priority.

He agreed that Thailand's 2am closing law sometimes presented a problem when tourists were here to have fun.
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He called for more information from anyone who had a bad experience with jet-ski operators.

So where do we report things? What is the contact info for him? the local TAT? and my tessaban?

Editor: Call 076 213203 . . . or e: (dumrongtum means ''justice'') We'd recommend also calling an embassy.

Posted by VFaye on January 4, 2010 17:37


The governor know that Tuk Tuk means = '' lazy, self-interested people.''

Posted by Peter on January 4, 2010 17:58


Cool Governor. Bangkok, please get him his knifes, or lend him your big ones. Or at least the broom should be the Nimbus "Scary Tiger 2010", so he shows up faster at all the hotspots.

But Phuket need more "lazy, self-interested people," aka the tourists. *555

Posted by lena on January 4, 2010 18:45


Putting a cap on Tuk-tuks is not the answer. There are already too many. Making tourists aware of the scams carried out by Tuk-tuks is the only way numbers will reduce.

Posted by Chris on January 4, 2010 19:56


Talk is cheap, actions speak much louder than words. I don't expect anything to come of this waffle talk?

Posted by Graham on January 4, 2010 20:09


Interesting that agreing there is a problem and there is a lack of support from central government is percieved as 'waffle'. Damned if he does, damned if he doesn't in some people's eyes I guess.

This is the most pro-active Governor Phuket has seen in a long time - at least he's attempting to address some of the issues that have become an accepted' part of life. I'm actually amazed he's still here with some of the feathers he has ruffled so far- long may he reign!!

Posted by Mister Reee on January 4, 2010 22:43


Why does the governor need more help and information from tourists that have and still are getting ripped off? Its not rocket science. Or have we got to put up with more mai pen rai has he not heard about the french family physically attacked what will it take a murder?

Editor: So on the basis of the protests generated by expat residents, the Governor is expected to throw more than 1000 local Thais out of work? You must be kidding. The attack on the French family appears to have been, on what we have heard, a criminal assault. What does that have to do with finding an economic solution to Phuket's long-term public transport needs? When enough genuine tourists lodge genuine complaints with their ambassadors, the overdue process of reform may finally begin, if it has the backing of the national government. It would be the same anywhere. A few complaints from voters would not go astray, either.

Posted by billy dale on January 4, 2010 23:06


Why can't Phuketwan put together a petition that everyone can sign via e mail, let's become more proactive here?

Editor: As we've suggested in several articles, what Phuket needs is a sensible public transport strategy. That will be a possibility when voters put their weight behind the idea. Tourists and others with genuine grievances about tuk-tuks (or jet-skis) should contact their embassies. Calls for a ''ban on tuk-tuks,'' with the loss of more than 1000 jobs, are a waste of energy. Better to call an embassy.

Posted by Terry on January 5, 2010 09:04

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