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The mother talks to Phuket police today after her son killed her lover

Phuket Boy Kills Brutal Stepfather With Tomahawk As He Sleeps

Wednesday, August 22, 2012
PHUKET: A 15-year-old Phuket boy killed his stepfather with a tomahawk while the man slept, Phuket police said today.

First, the boy lifted back a mosquito net in the main bedroom at the family home in southern Phuket, an officer told Phuketwan.

Then he removed his sleeping three-year-old stepsister from the bed, placing the child, still asleep, in another room.

The boy then returned to the bedroom, lifted the mosquito net again, and killed his stepfather with two blows to the head with the tomahawk.

Police said the boy and his mother went to Chalong police station today to confess to the brutal murder.

The boy cannot be identified because he is under age, so the stepfather and the mother also cannot be identified.

Family life was brutal, Chalong police in southern Phuket were told. The stepfather would often drink heavily, then beat the mother.

On Monday night, the man went out to a karaoke and returned in the early hours of the following morning, beating his wife yet again.

The 15-year-old awoke to find his mother in tears, with her bags packed, leaving the house.

Soon after, having seen his mother beaten time and time again, the boy took to his stepfather with the tomahawk.

Having killed the man, he rode off on a motorcycle with his young stepsister to join his mother at another house nearby.

A family friend discovered the grisly scene later when he called by the house, having failed to get a response by mobile telephone from either the stepfather or the mother.

Officers say any judge on Phuket is likely to take into account the brutality of the relationship in sentencing the boy to detention.


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Due to the brutality that this man caused.
There should be no charge against this boy, i think he has suffered enough.

Posted by titch on August 22, 2012 17:11


IF, read IF, the facts are facts, then I hope the judges will have reason, understanding and some mercy in mind.

Let time heal quickly the severe wounds for all involved and Karma for the victim. Because HE, SHE, IT, or THeM who grants and decide about Karma should no what to do.

Posted by PhuketExpat on August 22, 2012 17:20


@ ed (and titch)

Surely "ALLEGEDLY brutal stepfather..."

Posted by stu on August 22, 2012 21:01


Lets hope for once justice here sees sense and lets this young lad go free, as the system seems to have failed to protect him and his family from this so called man.

Posted by Scunner on August 22, 2012 22:00


What ever happened before the killing, in any case the boy needs professional psycological help. If he just walks away, he might choose this way in the future at other occasions again...

Posted by Resident on August 23, 2012 18:58

Editor Comment:

Well, that's your opinion. I have been surprised by the quality of Thailand's attention to mental health issues - especially after the 2004 tsunami. Not too many countries care for children in trouble as well as Thailand does. You make it sound like a blood-lust crime. The West has far more to worry about when it comes to serial killers or those who choose to be mass murderers for sheer notoriety or pleasure. Best not to become overwhelmed by your own insecurities.


Dysfuntional families, see nothing, hear nothing, do nothing, keep face. Seems this boy got enough.

Posted by Bo on August 23, 2012 21:08

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