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Brett Bean: The Phuket surfer has been in touch with his family

Missing Phuket Surfer Contacts Family

Monday, April 29, 2013
PHUKET: American surfer and ski instructor Brett Bean, who vanished on Phuket late last year, is alive and has been in touch with his family, it was revealed today.

Mr Bean, 43, telephoned his mother Lynne, who lives in California, last week.

''It was a very brief call,'' Mrs Bean said. ''He said he would call back. He has not called back yet.''

News that Mr Bean has been in touch will come as a relief to friends on Phuket and in Aspen, Colorado, where Brett worked as a ski instructor. Out of the snow season, he lived on Phuket.

The alarm was raised with Phuket police when Mr Bean failed to catch flights from Phuket back to the US as scheduled last November, leaving his mother and his father, Wayne, waiting and concerned at Los Angeles airport.

His parents flew to Phuket and a 50,000 baht reward was posted for information. Details of the flights and his passport were later found in his bungalow. There were no signs of a disturbance.

Security camera images from Phuket's west coast holiday districts of Karon and Patong show a man who could have been Brett making ATM withdrawals and shopping.

''We still do not know where Brett is or what happened to him,'' said Mrs Bean, who made a second trip to Phuket in search of her son earlier this year.

The Beans hope Brett will get in touch again soon.


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Great news, what a relief for his family..

Just hope he does give them another call, to clarify things.

Posted by robert on April 29, 2013 10:15


Good News, but I still find it very odd after all the worry and concern that such a brief call was made?

Posted by Richard on April 29, 2013 12:04


Yes, good to hear that he is alive (and well?) but he certainly seems to have caused a lot of worry to family and friends.

Posted by Andrew on April 29, 2013 12:41


Really great to hear he is alive and contacted his parents. Even though their worries did not end. These people genuinely care for him and went to hell emotionally. Even if he still feels troubled, he should not play with them any more. Hopefully it will be a happy ending.

Please, give your mother your or someone else's number, she can call to check how are you, if possible.

Posted by Lena on April 29, 2013 15:44


excellent and thanks Ed for the follow up.

Posted by slickmelb on April 29, 2013 17:33


I was wondering about him recently after your story, this is good news for his family.

Posted by Anonymous on April 29, 2013 18:36


Hi Ed.
Amy more news on if Brett did contact his family again, and what his reason for disappearing was?

Posted by Gregg P Cornell on June 19, 2013 00:24

Editor Comment:

Nothing to date.

Saturday July 27, 2024
Horizon Karon Beach Resort & Spa


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