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Paul Ancell in a  photograph taken hours before his death

Family of Phuket Motorcyclist Brings Body Home to Britain

Saturday, May 4, 2013
PHUKET: The body of a man who was killed in a motorcycle crash on Phuket has been returned to Britain - but only after a community appeal raised the cash.

Paul Ancell, 31, died in a solo bike smash on Phuket on April 21 when he lost control of his Yamaha 1000 on a bend near Wat Ladthi Wanaram in Chao Fa Road East, Chalong.

His death on the final day of Phuket Bike Week 2013 followed the deaths of two Malaysian riders. One was killed on the way to the event and the other while beginning the ride home from Phuket.

Travellers who do not have insurance often face a cash crisis if they are injured and need hospital treatment. In the case of Mr Ancell's family, it was a matter of returning him home.

According to Britain's Sussex Express, the family had to raise the money within seven days otherwise the Thai authorities were set to cremate him.

''Donations came pouring in from the community, including 500 pounds from Hastings Direct and 1500 pounds from Supreme Clean Ltd in Portsmouth after the Sussex Express reported the family's plight,'' the newspaper reported online.

Mr Ancell's mother, Kim Ridgway, 48, of Hailsham, was grateful that the 4500 pounds could be raised.

''We keep saying thank you to people, but that seriously isn't enough, but what more can we say,'' she added. ''Just thank you all for helping to bring Paul back home to his family and friends, you have no idea what it means to us.''

Mr Ancell's dream was to become a full time Thai kick boxing and cage fighter and he was training at the Tiger Muay Thai academy.

Gina Measor, who was Paul's aunt and who helped bring him up, told the Argus newspaper: ''Everyone has been absolutely amazing. We don't even know most of these people but from me and all the family I just want to say thank you.''

She described her nephew as a ''loveable rogue and a gentle giant.'' ''He hired a bike and unfortunately he had no helmet or any other protective equipment on.

''You do not think it's going to happen to you, you always think it???s going to happen to everybody else.''

Ms Ridgway said friends Chris Brown and Nick Chapman had been behind the fundraising efforts: ''We will continue to try and raise money to put into a trust fund for Paul's five-year-old daughter, Cayleigh, as she will need all the help and support she can get as she gets older.''

A Facebook page has been set up in Paul's memory. The funeral and cremation is scheduled for May 13.

To donate to the trust fund for Mr Ancell's daughter go to


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RIP Khun Paul.

Great to hear his family will have him back and a place to mourn and remember him.

People, get proper insurance and wear a helmet. It is really wrong not to do that. To you and your family. If you cannot afford it, do not come here, because you cannot afford it.

Posted by Lena on May 4, 2013 21:16


No helmet or protective gear on,singlet shorts not much else evidently going too hard for the road geometry,on a unfamiliar machine unprotected bodies,sudden stops and tarmac result a possible unnecessary death an he's been in Thailand a while to know better
condolence to family an friends we all ask why.

Posted by slickmelb on May 4, 2013 21:46


Very very sad, but we see this every day, driving around at high speed with no Helmet.

Have to agree with Lena, get proper insurance, as you might need it..

Posted by robert on May 5, 2013 01:04


I am pleased the family made the money needed to fly him back.

For those without insurance, because I know it is expensive in the West, Thai Insurance is a lot cheaper (maybe not as good in cover) but covers many basics including your body.

Definitely worth investigating, if you plan on being buried back at your country.

Posted by Tbs on May 5, 2013 09:57


Holiday insurance is not expensive at all, that's just not true, it's all down to laziness and recklessness. For a typical holiday travel insurance it might be something like 50-60 Pounds Sterling. And that includes all your travels during A YEAR, as long as every trip is not longer than a month.

Posted by christian on May 5, 2013 10:44

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