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Fewer Britons Finding Big Trouble in Tourist Thailand

Tuesday, July 31, 2012
PHUKET: The number of British deaths and drug arrests in Thailand has fallen, according to the annual British Behaviour Abroad Report issued by Britain's Foreign Office.

Statistics from April 2011 to April 2012 reveal a drop in deaths in Thailand from 347 to 296 while drugs arrests dipped from 51 to 38.

Cases of rape however rose from five to 13.

Britain generally reveals more statistics about citizens in trouble around the world, highlighting the dangers for travellers from all countries.

According to the latest statistics, 844,224 British visitors went to Thailand in 2011-2012, and an estimated 50,000 Britons reside in Thailand.

There were 204 arrests of British citizens, up by four from the previous year. Hospitalisations fell from 246 to 217.

Proportionately, though, Britons are most likely to be hospitalised in Greece, followed by Thailand and the Philippines.

British Embassy officials and honorary consuls in Thailand provided assistance in a total of 978 cases, up from 967 in the previous year.

Statistics for Phuket and other individual destinations are not released.

The Foreign Office offers the following advice:

If you hire a moped (for Phuket read motorcycle) or quad bike, check the small print of your travel insurance to make sure you are covered and always wear a helmet

Remember most insurers won't pay out if you injure yourself or others when you've been drinking alcohol - check your small print.

The British Ambassador to Thailand, Asif Ahmad, said: ''Thailand rightly remains an attractive tourist destination and a significant number of people have chosen to become long-term residents.

''Good planning is the best way to avoid hazards and insurance for travel and health is essential. Medical bills can run to thousands of pounds and the British tax payer cannot meet the uninsured costs of fellow citizens who have chosen to venture abroad.

''Make sure you read the small print - riding a motorbike or other activities could invalidate the insurance policy . . . We do recommend travellers check health requirements to ensure they've had all the necessary vaccinations.''


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Rather than absolute numbers, it would make more sense to publish incident rates derived from cases relative to the amount of people visiting the respective country.

Perhaps the FO could provide us with such statistics.

Posted by Andrew on July 31, 2012 18:15

Editor Comment:

The statistics are online. But as the length of time people stay also varies, it's all just numbers with nuances. Expats are included in the raw data, so how do you apportion an incident rating for them?


This is one of those occasions where the question far outshines the answer.

I have no idea.

Posted by Andrew on July 31, 2012 21:57

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