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Brazilian ''Teco'' greets Pamuke Acariyachai  of Phuket FC

Phuket FC Coach Quits: That's Six in Two Years, And Fans Need to Change

Sunday, August 4, 2013
UPDATING All Day, Every Day

PHUKET FC have been quick to name a new coach, Brazilian Stefano cugurra, known as ''Teco,'' a 38-year-old with a solid record as a player and success coaching in Indonesia. In 2010 he led Chiang Rai United into the Premier League, which is what Phuket FC want.

Original Report

PHUKET: Wanted: A New Coach for Phuket FC. A vacancy has occurred with the departure of the sixth coach to come and go in a hurry in just two years.

Requirements: Ability to cope with disappointments, capacity to encourage a talented and promising team, and courage to persuade unreasonable fans that better times are ahead.

On Monday Phuket FC coach Panipol Kerdyaem will formalise his resignation after being shouted out by Phuket fans last night, and the Wanted ads will begin to appear again.

About midnight, after last night's draw, the departing coach met with Phuket FC chairman Pamuke Acariyachai at Khun Pamuke's home and could not be talked out of resigning.

Who could blame him? Phuket FC fans are one of the team's biggest problems.

Khun Pamuke, Phuket's biggest sponsor and supporter, said he was shocked to see and hear the way Panipol was booed and criticised at Saturday's game at home in Phuket City.

''It makes me feel upset to see fans who do not offer their support to Phuket FC whether the team wins, loses or draws,'' he told Phuketwan. ''This is not the right way to behave.''

Unfortunately, the Surakul Stadium match left Phuket FC drawing 1-1 with the Thai Tobacco Monopoly FC.

Phuket was sixth going into the match and TTM FC was 16th. For a team that needed to win to retain a fading hope of promotion, a loss or a draw was not an option.

Fans let Khun Panipol know their feelings. Phuket FC fans, sad to say, are fair-weather fans. They love victories but cannot cope with defeats, or even draws.

So, after the match, Khun Panipol let his feelings be known on the official Phuket FC Facebook page:

''I would like to thank Khun Pamuke, Khun Eam, Management, Khun Niwat, staff, Phuket footballers and fans for your support. I have been very happy to work here. But I have resigned from my position as head coach... Thank you... Panipol Kerdyaem."

Despite the injection of funds, improved sponsorship, better talent, a new training ground and links to a mentor Brazilian club, Phuket FC is still in Division One.

Premier League, the aim of every fan on the island, probably cannot be achieved this season.

We'd suggest that perhaps a more settled approach might achieve more. Khun Pamuke agrees. And a look at our coverage of Phuket FC shows that Phuket has had six coaches in two years.

Here are their names.

Perhaps some fans remember them: Panipol Kerdyaem, Anurak Srikerd, Rong ''Noi'' Ajanyoot, Milos Joksic, Sompong Wattana, Surachai Jirasirichote.

As well as repeatedly hounding coaches from the job, Phuket fans have incurred fines for throwing objects and blockading referees on the football field.

We think it's time the fans causing the trouble thought about behaving differently. Then, and only then, will Phuket FC be able to seriously begin its journey to the top.

Phuket FC, now in seventh position, plays Nakhon Pathom away on August 11.


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The behavior of the FC Phuket fans is a good reflection of the prevailing emotional maturity and stability of the average male population on Phuket.

How many times have crimes been excused by "he made me upset and I could not control my anger anymore " ?

What a disgrace these fans are for the sport.

Posted by ThaiMike on August 4, 2013 23:55


Thaimike, Have you been to every home game in the last 2 years ? I dont think so, I was there. And like in every country every team has a few idiots who try to make problems. Of course there was pressure on the coach, but that pressure was set also by the president who directly wanted to go to TPL, for me a little to fast, he should have seen this on a 2 years plan, let the team grow. There are also some questions why not let play together the 2 talented brazilian strikers Dudu and christiano ? Why change 11 players at half of the season ? But we have to say that Mr Pamuke is doing a great job for Phuket Fc. The coach should have stayed a little longer to shut up the criticasters.

Posted by Eric on August 5, 2013 08:21


Well said Eric, and Thaimike, have you ever even been to watch a game, also Ed have you been watching the games. Why would any Chairman or Coach keep insisting this was the year to go to the premier league, football is football and nobody can tell what will happen on the day, the FA Cup is fine proof of this.
The fans are faithful, they could see that the coach was no good from quite soon into the season but the promises kept on coming. If they hadn't kept harping on about it so much perhaps the fans may have been a little more compassionate. This should be the best team that Phuket has had for years but they have played like the worst, why? Because there was no teamwork, no plan of action, no real system. I ask you who is the person responsible for all of those things, i don't have to tell you as it's simple.
The Chairman is doing a fantastic job providing the club with money, but when he has a coach who believes that results will depend on the colour of the shirt the team wears you have to wonder how much he actually knows about football, he is a business man after all, and we all know why business men are in business, to make money.

Posted by phuket madness on August 5, 2013 09:54


I endorse 100% your comments Phuket madness, and feel that most supporters would agree with your comments.

Posted by Phuket FC Fan on August 5, 2013 11:44


well said Phuket madness.

Posted by hulkster on August 6, 2013 12:42

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