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A large crocodile fell victim to the floods after escaping in Phang Nga

No Crocodile Smiles on Phuket or in Phang Nga's Cold Snap

Friday, August 2, 2013
PHUKET: Two large crocodiles escaped from a croc farm as rain pelted Phang Nga, Phuket and Krabi today.

And with that pair on the loose, the particularly nasty weather along the Andaman holiday coast posed the danger of turning into, well, a serious cold snap.

After several hours of hunting, one of the crocodiles was brought in alive and the other was brought in dead.

The pair escaped from a farm after floods struck Kao Tao Village, near Phang Nga Town.

Further south on Phuket, floods were causing concern this afternoon in Patong with water flooding stores and damaging items in the Otop centre early today.

Authorities are keeping a 24-hour watch on water levels in Phuket's west coast nightlife capital.

Forecasters say the consistent rain is likely to dampen Phuket, Krabi and Phang Nga through until Monday, with roads in Phang Nga already flooding in places.

Motorists and the captains of small boats have been advised to stay home.


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..... and in Cumbria in the UK police are on the hunt for a 6 week old porcupine that escaped and 'should not be cornered' - it rather pales into insignificance alongside this story.

Posted by Mister Ree on August 2, 2013 17:29


Cold Snap? LOL

Posted by Crocodile tears on August 2, 2013 19:53

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