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Four Syrians Sought in Thailand for Overstaying

Sunday, December 6, 2015
PHUKET: Immigration officials have released the photographs and names of four Syrians whose movements they say are unaccounted for in Thailand.

The four men did not arrive in Thailand in the October time ''window'' mentioned in the Russian document saying that 10 potential terrorists had entered Thailand and were spreading out to Bangkok, Pattaya, Phuket and other places.

However, Immigration may be keen to locate the four Syrians, even if only to charge them with overstaying their visas.

They are:

.. Abul Aziz Rouk, 44, entered through Ranong on Jaanuary 27, visa expired April 26.

.. Mouayad Hanati, 29, entered through Suvarnabhumi Airport, July 7, visa expired October 4.

.. Hagop Kassabian, 57 , entered through Suvarnabhumi Airport May 16, visa expired August 13.

.. Nawfal Hassoun, 34, entered overland from Laos, August 3, visa expired October 31.

Immigration police chief Pol Lt Gen Nattatorn Prohsunthorn said the number of Syrians visiting Thailand was very small.

''In mid-October, 200 of them came here but most of them have already left. There are now no more than 20 here at present.

''It's not yet known whether the 10 people in the warning are among the 200,'' he said.

The Canadian embassy has issued the following warning in relation to the suggestion of terrorists arriving in Thailand:

Dear Canadians,

You are receiving this email because you are registered with the Government of Canada's Registration of Canadians Abroad service. Please share the following important information with other Canadian nationals in your area.

Some of you may have seen media reports that a group of 10 Syrians could have entered Thailand with plans to attack Russian citizens in popular tourist-resort cities such as Pattaya, Phuket and Bangkok.

For this reason, we would like to take this opportunity to remind Canadians that there is a threat of terrorism throughout Southeast Asia, including Thailand.

Maintain a high level of personal security awareness at all times as the security situation could deteriorate without notice.

Exercise caution, particularly in commercial and public establishments (hotels, clubs, restaurants, bars, schools, places of worship), outdoor recreation events and tourist areas frequented by foreigners.

Canadians in need of emergency consular assistance should call the Embassy Canada in Bangkok, Thailand, at +66 0 2646 4300 or the Emergency Watch and Response Centre in Ottawa directly at +1 613 996 8885 (collect calls are accepted where available).

An email can also be sent to

If you have already left and are no longer in Thailand, please send an email to our Registration of Canadians Abroad email address at siac.registration-inscription@international.gc.cain order to end your registration in our system.


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I wonder if the authorities have considered the possibility that the suspects might be traveling on fake passports or even legitimate ones issued by a country other than Syria ?

It's not like it has not happened before now is it.

Posted by Herbert on December 6, 2015 10:33

Editor Comment:

I'm sure they realise that the possibility of a terrorist travelling on a Syrian passport is remote.


Herbert, a few months ago a dutch journalist went undercover to Syria, and came back with a 'real' Syrian passport for the dutch Prime Minister.
Is was shown in tv news programs and press.
people saw it as a big joke, but same time realized the danger.
To buy a real fake passport in Middle East is easy for a European journalist, more easy for terrorists.
A big problem.

Posted by Kurt on December 6, 2015 11:26


Seen the fact that a dutch journalist was able to buy a fake-real passport for his Prime Minister Mark Rutten, proves that terrorists also able to get a Syrian passport.
Lately, all the terrorists in Europe, ( France, yesterday in UK underground) seem to be Syrian according their passports, but are they really Syrian?

Posted by Kurt on December 6, 2015 11:36

Editor Comment:

Proving that terrorists can get Syrian passports is like proving the Earth is round. It would be difficult to imagine anyone wanting to travel on a Syrian passport for any reason, Kurt. No half-intelligent terrorist would consider it. The possible exceptions: refugees or stateless people.


Four Steve Jobs' cousins here and nothing else!

Real terrorists are those companies that manufacture weapons and sell them to countries that are involved in wars.

You may ask yourself:
How can ISIS have an oil trading when it is "surrounded" by all those countries that claim fighting against them?

- Refining oil, processing it and exporting it, is not a simple task that a few stupid terrorists would be able of doing it? It needs professionalism, experts and engineers with right knowledge, tools and resources. You can't learn this on Google or YouTube!

So who are the real engines behind a few brain washed fools?

Running a war is a costy project. This war has been going on for years now. It requires not only thousands of fighters but also billions of $s to provide them with food, clothes, munitions and other materials.

Without a massive power or super power behind them (ISIS) would never been alive.

Posted by Mr. Fool on December 6, 2015 11:42


It would be a bigger surprise if the journalist went to Syria and bought the PM a new dutch passport.

Posted by MoW on December 6, 2015 12:16


But is the earth actually round? My facebook page is full of videos and links to blogs saying the world is flat and we all have been conned by NASA and others. I don't know who started all this but it has become huge. Somebody sends me this flat earth stuff nearly everyday.

Posted by Arun Muruga on December 6, 2015 13:03


The editor claims it would be "difficult to imagine anyone wanting to travel on a Syrian passport for any reason", apparently not aware of the fact that a Syrian passport entitles a person to refugee status, free entry to the EU, and accommodation, food, and spending money in most EU states, since Merkel declared the borders to be open.
The editor further believes that "no half-intelligent terrorist would consider" using a Syrian passport. Apparently the editor is unaware of the recent terrorist attack in Paris.

We all know the editor is highly opinionated, but perhaps the editor of a news website should also be aware of news and current events.

Posted by Anthony on December 6, 2015 16:39

Editor Comment:

The editor is smart enough to know that carrying a Syrian passport doesn't make you a terrorist, Anthony. Are you seriously arguing that it does, when so many are in the hands of people who are obvious refugees, fleeing terror? These days, home-grown terorrists carry Australian, American and British passports, among many others. One Syrian passport is evidence of nothing. But you can bet Syrian passports are being checked more closely everywhere. No half-intelligent terrorist would consider using a Syrian passport.


Dear Editor,
Anthony does not remotely insinuate that " carrying a Syrian pass-port makes you a terrorist " ?
No where does he argue this.

Posted by graham on December 6, 2015 20:37


@Arun - I would not worry too much if the Earth was flat how would we have night and day if you were on the "edge" of the earth. Also are stars flat? Case closed, next old chap.

Posted by I am pretty far from ok on December 6, 2015 22:23


Thats where all the missing persons end up after living on the edge. The sun has to go to sleep also.
"Are the stars flat"?. Only some of them!

Remember also, it is less than 400 years since, I believe Galileo proved that the earth was not the centre of our solar system and his theory was disregarded by many at that time. He was known as an eccentric and outcast because his knowledge went against the beliefs of a few religions.

Posted by MoW on December 7, 2015 04:19


Just a question.what are the Syrian people doing here anyway? Are they on holiday, working ? If the authorities know they are in the country, that means they came in legally, with visas? Or visa exempt ? Rather strange with all the screening In airports these days.

Posted by Elizabeth on December 7, 2015 07:19

Editor Comment:

Not all Syrians are refugees or terrorists, Elizabeth.


let us hope they are not in Thailand for a working holiday.

Posted by MoW on December 7, 2015 13:27

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