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The smash on a bridge on the road to Phuket early today

Smash on Road to Phuket Traps Passenger in Pickup

Saturday, June 28, 2014
PHUKET: Four people survived a single-vehicle crash involving a pickup on the road between Phang Nga Town and Phuket about 8am today. One person had to be cut free and rescuers called for the only ''jaws of life'' equipment in the province. All were taken to Phang Nga Hospital.


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Perfect driving conditions. I see so many cars unmaintained, bald tyres, low inflated tyres, dodgy brakes appears anyway, drivers who have never taken a driving test, drivers with a license that paid for it. No wonder there are so many accidents.

Posted by Fiesty Farang on June 28, 2014 14:28

Thursday September 12, 2024
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