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John Edward Cohen is arrested and questioned after the Patong shooting

Phuket Tourist Shootings: Aussie Pair Set Free on Suspended Sentences

Friday, May 3, 2013
PHUKET: Two Australian expats accused of firing a handgun in a busy Phuket street and wounding two German tourists are now free, Phuketwan has learned.

The men were sentenced to six months and 15 days in jail on April 11 but the prison terms were suspended on condition the pair be of good behavior for two years.

John Edward Cohen, 33, and Adam Lewis Shea, 26, had been held in overcrowded Phuket Prison since being arrested for the January 22 shooting.

On that night, the two men went looking in the west coast resort of Patong for a Danish man, Dennis Knudsen, 24, in dispute with the Aussie pair over an unpaid loan.

When the Australians saw a man who looked like Knudsen ride a motorcycle down Soi Sansabai, a popular tourist spot not far from Soi Bangla, they opened fire.

Shots missed the rider but instead winged two German tourists, Johann Baschenegger, 41, and Joseph Woerner, 71, as they walked down the street enjoying their holiday. Bystanders treated the tourists for their wounds.

Cohen and Shea, who run a tattoo business in Patong, fled but were quickly arrested.

Ironically, while the Australians were in Phuket Prison awaiting trial, Knudsen was also apprehended.

For a time he shared the jail - built to house 750 but currently crowded with more than 2000 inmates - with the men who wanted to shoot him.

The two German tourists are believed to have recovered quickly.


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Only in Thailand.......

Posted by stu on May 3, 2013 11:00


Thailand is getting soft on crime and heres the proof.

Posted by Ciaran on May 3, 2013 11:04


that is a joke?

Posted by pthai on May 3, 2013 11:09


they must have had a very good lawyer or at least an expensive one..

Posted by another steve on May 3, 2013 12:17


So- get caught working illegally and get deported. Attempted murder (I realise they were not aiming at the guy they hit but it must be intent) or even just discharging a firearm in a public place - be good little boys for 2 years. Not really worth commenting further!!

Posted by Mister Ree on May 3, 2013 12:23


I am blown away by this slap on the wrist. I was under the impression Only Thais could own a gun. Am I wrong?

I would have thought possession and firing a gun would be a long term jail sentence. Not to mention injuring 2 innocent tourists.

What would have happened if a Thai person shot 2 tourists? I guess I can bring my gun when I retire in Thailand.

Posted by john on May 3, 2013 12:25


Hei, he owed them money. And they hit only Germans. Not even Thais or worthy expats or Jeremy Renner. Accidents happen.

Posted by Lena on May 3, 2013 14:29



Posted by ssresident on May 3, 2013 14:46


And they get to stay in Thailand? Yeah, that is really comforting.

Posted by Michael on May 3, 2013 15:06


YEs indeed, if all these "rich" farang criminals are in jail what would these Phuket police do? Catch cheap Thai criminals who can't pay their way out? Hardly believable.

Posted by May on May 3, 2013 15:43


Just over 3 months, not bad.

Posted by Ozzie Bob on May 3, 2013 21:26


If they did this at home in Australia they might be out in time to receive there old age pension and seniors card.

Posted by slickmelb on May 3, 2013 22:38


what a joke,shoot someone get 6 mths and stay in thailand,smoke a joint get 1 year and then deported and i thought the UK was soft on gun crime....This once great country is going to the dogs..

Posted by Darren walker on May 4, 2013 01:19


Absolutely Shell Shocked

Posted by Tbs on May 4, 2013 01:59



Posted by Simon on May 5, 2013 08:37


Dear Ead
A number ofttimes now
You never publish my comments
Are you scared of someone out there
I don' t think I am out of line when I comment

Posted by Coco on May 5, 2013 17:14

Editor Comment:

You've had two comments out of 10 knocked back, Coco. The policy here is for commenters to have something of value to say. Not much you've said meets that criteria.

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