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Patong, home to scores of bars and nightclubs. The new police chief says he plans to review closing hours and test fire safety exits.

Phuket Nightclub Brawl Brings Police Probe

Friday, March 19, 2010

PATONG police said on Monday that a man who was ejected from the Hollywood nightclub returned with friends and took on security guards at the venue. As a result, one man, believed to be an Iranian, remains in hospital.

Original Report

POLICE are investigating a brawl that shook Hollywood nightclub in Patong last night, with security guards becoming involved in what was reported to be an ethnic-based clash between two groups.

The Superintendent of Kathu Police Station, which oversees Patong, told Phuketwan that an officer had been delegated to pursue the men involved in the clash which took place about 3am.

One comment on an online chat site said: ''Farangs [my friend] thinks were Italian started fighting with the doormen. Spilled down the steps onto Bangla road.''

However, police have been told that the fight was between two groups of expats and security men intervened to settle it.

''Nobody died,'' said Colonel Arayapan Pukbuakao, who is new to the post. ''It may be that there was at least one broken head. Police were not called so we can't say for sure at this stage.''

He said he believed on what police had learned so far that the argument began with a comment about race. The argument grew into a brawl and security guards stepped in to separate the two groups.

''When people have too much to drink, they cannot control their emotions,'' he said.
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The new Superintendent of Immigration should stop these pests from entering Phuket before its too late. We already have enough Thai and foreign Mafia here.

Posted by Anonymous on March 20, 2010 22:41


One guy died. Why are you not reporting this? Are you being gagged? Or being fed bullshit by the police?

Editor: Chat sites in Thailand are full of rumors, gossip and expat paranoia. Provide us with a name or even a nationality and we will check with the appropriate embassy. The police have no reason to lie.

Posted by Ivan on March 24, 2010 13:14


Editor: We are not interested in ''if'' this or ''if'' that. Conspiracy theories are the specialty of the chat sites. Please give us a name or a nationality.

Posted by Ivan on March 24, 2010 17:12


Ivan if you're so positive someone died why don't YOU provide us with the information? As the Ed states the chat sites are full of speculation. I've now seen it reported as an Italian, an Iranian, a Frenchman, a Moroccan, an Algerian. Please feel free to clarify the incident for the benefit of all and end the speculation. Maybe Phuketwan will take you on as a stringer. or maybe you just have fifth hand info like the rest of us.

Posted by Mister ree on March 24, 2010 21:12


Ivan, did you by any change notice the pink spotted, armor-plated elephants walking by, when you were there?

At 3am in the morning, much can become blurry, you agree?

Posted by Robin on March 25, 2010 09:30


Ivan, you sure the guy was " Dead " or just Dead drunk ?
Did you see his spirit leave his body, if yes, please be brave enough to report all the details.
You have our attention now.

Posted by Robin on March 25, 2010 16:18


Ivan? Very silent all of a sudden!

Posted by Mister Ree on March 25, 2010 19:45


The fight started inside Hollywood and was between five foreigners and the Thai security staff. Not between two lots of expats, as the police say. The police didn't show up until the fight was over.

One of the foreigners was stabbed and lying in front of the gold shop. Someone has video of the fight inside Hollywood on their phone but is too scared to do anything with it for fear of reprisals.

Posted by Ivan on March 26, 2010 17:02


Yeah I read all that on local forums as well Ivan.

Posted by Mister Ree on March 28, 2010 14:40


I am sure that if somebody died, there would be a body.If there is a video, give it to the police and let them do their job instead of crying that they do nothing. Otherwise, just shut up.

Posted by azzagood on April 1, 2010 19:51


What Ivan said is true, I was in a bar in front of Hollywood when it happened...local newspaper spoke about two dead guys, unfortunately I didn't read it myself...

Posted by sergio on April 6, 2010 23:24

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