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The jet-ski rider's body is loaded into an ambulance on Phuket today

Phuket Jet-Ski Death Riddle: Man's Body Recovered

Tuesday, March 1, 2011
A MAN's body was found at sea today after he disappeared mysteriously two days ago in an incident involving a jet-ski off Phuket.

Parkpain Namrun, 20, borrowed the jet-ski on February 27 from an operator on the island of Koh Rang, an east coast Phuket diving destination, where the young man from Isarn was on the staff, with his father.

He did not return after riding off on the jet-ski. A search the same day located the jet-ski, which appeared to have sustained minor damage.

Today searchers found Khun Parkpain's body. It was carried by boat to Laem Hin pier, on Phuket's east coast, then taken by ambulance to Vachira Phuket Hospital in Phuket City.

Doctors will examine his body for clues that may indicate the manner of his death. Phuket City police are investigating.
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To find out what really had happened is a kind of detective work.
I runned a Jetski shop for 20 years and i had several times the case that when somebody jumped above high waves and went directly in the oncoming new wave then he could hit his face so hard on the handle bar that he could get senseless for a moment. When the driver then have no live vest, or fell into the sea faced down, then this guy could drown in a short time. I had two nearby deaths at the Canarian Islands about 10 years ago. Was the gasoline tank empty when they found the Jetski? What was the minor damage? How high was the waves by the time of renting? After the examination it should be clear what could have happened with poor Parkpain.

Posted by Happychris on March 1, 2011 13:33

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