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Pink and priced right: Phuket Provincial Hospital, east of Phuket City

Phuket Hospital Earns Rave Reviews for Phuket's Expat Residents

Wednesday, September 19, 2012
PHUKET: The newest hospital on Phuket, a bit out of the way and a well-kept secret, attracted rave reviews this week from Phuket's expat honorary consuls.

And today International Health Systems Development Manager James Nanakornpanom invited expat residents of Phuket to find out more about Phuket Provincial Hospital.

The new facility, with ''cutting-edge diagnostic capabilities,'' is fully staffed and has 128 beds, including some rooms with a sea view.

Visa and work permit health checks are already a specialty, and the hospital hopes to expand into expat medical insurance.

Phuket Provincial, which opened in May last year, combines the best features of a public hospital with the quality of private care, according to Khun James.

''The layout of the hospital looks more like a private hospital: calm, quiet, more personal care, but it's essentially a government hospital,'' Khun James said today.

''This was done to make the patient feel more comfortable and less stressed.''

Financial stress especially is something the hospital is striving to avoid. Beds at Phuket provincial begin from 300 baht a night, although a sea view in the 10-storey facility will cost a little more.

There are packages for annual checkups as follows:

For people aged 25-35 years, 1360 Baht; 35-45 years 3040 baht (male), 5040 baht (female), 45 premium (male) 5810 baht, (female) 7810.

''We accept social security, and government workers,'' Khun James said. ''It's a government hospital but with private hospital service and infrastructure provided, managed by Bangkok's Thonburi Hospital.''

Surgery, laboratory services, radiology and diagnostic imaging, pediatrics, obstetrics, orthopaedics and dialysis services are all on the hospital's ''menu.''

The Phuket Provincial Administration Organisation, under its president, Paiboon Upatising, gave new life to an unused hospital to relieve the pressure on Vachira Phuket Hospital and Phuket's other public hospitals.

British honorary consul for Phuket, Martin Carpenter, and Australia's honorary consul for Phuket, Larry Cunningham, spoke highly of the new hospital at this week's meeting with Phuket Governor Tri Augkaradacha. The consuls urged expats to try the hospital.

Phuket Provincial's international service department is ''completely dedicated to the care of all issues regarding any international patient in our hospital with insurance or not,'' Khun James said.

The Phuket Provincial can be found on the way to Koh Sireh along the road to Rassada Pier, east of Phuket City. It's in landmark pink, Khun Paiboon's signature color.

There's also a hotline: 1131.


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Carpenter, maybe, Ed?
British honorary consul for Phuket, Martin Cunningham,
and Australia's honorary consul for Phuket, Larry Cunningham,
looks likie, you need a expositor, not only a guy, commenting comments.
And no, I don't expect this to be published.;-]

Posted by ROFLMAO on September 19, 2012 10:33

Editor Comment:

What an odd way of pointing out a small error. How easily amused you are.


One of my colleagues actually had a baby here at the end of last month. The baby had some slight problems and had to be transferred to Vichara as this hospital didn't have small problems an incubator. She wasn't raving about it at all!!

Posted by phuket madness on September 19, 2012 10:44


I think this must be a different Phuket.

Posted by Tbs on September 19, 2012 11:33


It would be nice to talk about the quality of government and private hospitals. After I fell ill on Koh Lanta (40 degres fever), I had to go to the local hospital there. The local doctor (who spoke english) made a lot of tests (blood, urine, x-ray), his diagnosis and his treatment was correct (as my doctor back in germany told me) and advised me to go to a private hospital on Phuket for further tests.

In Phuket, I had to sign a form that I will pay all bills first. The doctor at the private hospital on Phuket talked to me for about two minutes, made no further testing at all, gave me a further injection and loads of pills (too many - as my doctor back home told me also) and sent me home.

I was more satisfied with the government hospital on Lanta - and it might also be worth to mention that I paid 2700 Baht there (for all the testing + treatment) - but 7000 Baht on Phuket (for two times 2 minutes talk and the treatment). The hospital on Phuket also charged me for the usage of the room where I got my injection - 300 Baht for 15 Minutes.

If I fall sick again - I will choose a government hospital. Even I have to admit that the sofas at that private hospital on Phuket are very comfortable.

Posted by Martin on September 19, 2012 12:45

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