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This Korean couple hitched without a glitch on the beach at Surin recently

Phuket Hitch Glitch Leaves Couples Weeping by the Dozen

Wednesday, December 12, 2012
PHUKET: A computer glitch today meant that some couples on Phuket and throughout Thailand missed out on the lucky 12.12.12 date to get married.

A nationwide data issue left the Interior Ministry's computers struggling to cope, with some registry offices forced to turn away couples who intended to get hitched.

Couples all around the world planned today as their wedding day, with one wicked groom saying it was so that the brides would remember their anniversaries.

Most highly prized of all was the 12.12pm slot on 12.12.12. However, on Phuket it was a matter of good fortune whether the brides and grooms got to the wedding on time.

More than 20 couples were wed at the Phuket City registry office, while others were turned away.

At the Thalang registry office, there were no weddings, and 10 couples had to be turned away.

At Kathu registry offices, couples fared a little better. the computer worked, but very, very slowly. Ten couples made the cut.

The unlucky couples now have a big choice to make: come back tomorrow or the day after and concentrate how close they came to being hitched on 12.12.12 . . .

. . . or wait a few years for the next memorable opportunity in 01.01.01.


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Well unfortunately i missed out today but on the next memorable opportunity in 01.01.01 I'll be 141 with a bank balance of vast sums i should imagine. Do you think I'll still be able to find myself a cute little 21 year old who will want me for my looks, personality and my good sense of humo(u)r.

Posted by Nick on December 12, 2012 17:06


Go for it Nick! With medical advances you could make the 141. There are plenty of young ladies who like "older" men.

Posted by seth on December 13, 2012 00:27

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