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Governor Wichai Praisa-ngob gets set to jet at Patong today

Phuket Governor Jets a Ski and Says: It's Safe

Thursday, November 26, 2009
GOVERNOR Wichai Praisa-ngob launched ''world's first jet-ski insurance scheme'' at Patong today with a throttle-revving ride and a bright high season sky above.

About 80 jet-skis were beached on the sand for the day's festivities, which began with a brass band and rousing speeches about the change in attitude that insurance should bring.

The governor even presented bad-boy Winai ''JJ'' Naiman with a prize By chance, JJ stepped in to collect it on the part of the absent winner, and the governor gave him a pat on the back.

So the man who helped spark the concern about jet-ski scams met the man who hopes his intervention has resolved the problem for good.

According to Ayudhya Insurance officials today, the jet-skis are all signed up for damage, third-party and personal accident, a much more comprehensive insurance scheme than the first damage incident, reported on Phuketwan, seemed to indicate.

The governor told local Patong officials, insurance executives and the media that tourists no longer needed to worry about being scammed or facing unreasonable medical expenses.

Then after taking off his holiday shirt and donning a life jacket, he went for a ride, with a jet-ski operator trailing in his wake.

Insurance costs for jet-skis vary depending on the amount involved, with some opting for a 9400 baht per year scheme with a maximum payout of 50,000 baht, and others signing for 13,500 baht with a maximum of 100,000 baht.

Discounts have dropped the cost a little.

Among the jet-skis parked on the beach today were some with the word INSURANCE emblazoned on their bodies, a sensible sign of change.

The governor also said that tourists should no longer be concerned about being caught up in petty disputes while on holidays because, as Phuketwan has reported, a new scheme means they can fly home regardless.


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I read online, the jetski jamboree was supposed to offer FREE rides all day to anyone coming down to witness the congregation of jetski operators.

A friend waded into the crowd, and was told by each and every operator that yes, it was reported to be free but no, no rides would be free except the Governator's two minute photo opportunity.

Posted by Anonymous on November 27, 2009 00:01


And what about the charges against JJ? Were they dropped now that the good Governor has "solved" the problem?

Editor: Prosecutors are still looking at the evidence, with much depending on whether the incident portrayed in 'Big Trouble in Tourist Thailand' is considered to be genuine or playacting.

Posted by VFaye on November 27, 2009 15:40


From the article: "The governor also said that tourists should no longer be concerned about being caught up in petty disputes while on holidays because, as Phuketwan has reported, a new scheme means they can fly home regardless."

Erase the scams, rather than trying to streamline them.

Posted by Anonymous on December 14, 2009 02:20

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