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Patong from the water: better without the wiring

Patong Beachfront Wiring Set to Go Underground

Saturday, September 27, 2008
Phuket PAD leader Nuttarong Ekphemsup says Phuket International Airport will remain open despite reports that PAD could close as many as five airports if PM Somchai seeks to fly south today.

PATONG MAYOR Pian Keesin has set aside funding to put telephone and power cables underground in a key section of the resort town.

Khun Pian told the media on September 26 that the 300 million baht for the project had already been allocated and would go ahead soon.

The area where wiring will go underground runs along the beachfront from the southern end of the Holiday Inn to Soi Bangla.

Mayor Keesin is still keen to lift the 80 metre limit for building on Patong's hillsides but the Forests Department remains determined to keep the limit in place.

The chief of the Natural Resources and Environment Department of Phuket, Ong-art Chanacharnmongkol, continues to oppose the idea.

He also says that the proposed ''monkey island'' off Rawai, where tourists would be able to watch a varied number of monkey species at play, will also be rejected.

Patong's prime beachfront area is to be divided into three zones so tourists can be helped when necessary by teams of local volunteers.

Zone A will be at the southern end of the beach, Zone B in the middle, and Zone C at the northern end. The zones will extend back to Rat-U-Thit-200-Pi Road.

Announcing the plan, Kathu Police Chief Police Colonel GrissakSongmoonark said each zone would be looked after by local residents and businesspeople.

The zoning system is designed to overcome problems with tourists reporting crimes and not being able to fully explain where the incident took place.

Some CCTVs were now being used to monitor traffic but he hopes to get more in spots where activities along the beachfront and in Soi Bangla could be monitored, too.

Colonel Grissak said there was an increase in the number of crimes committed by tourists on other tourists, especially petty theft by people who had run out of money.

The problems of competition for parking spots along the beachfront remained difficult to resolve, he said.

Khun Pian also told the media that the Patong Carnival will run from November 15 to December 20 this year. This would take it into a drier period and make it more appealing.


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