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Missing 'Pinnee Smile' appeared to be active on Facebook

Missing Phuket Teen Pinnee: Facebook Hunt Follows Mother's Plea

Friday, January 20, 2012
PHUKET: As the mother of a missing 13-year-old, Samruy Santaweesook cannot bear not knowing where her daughter is. She wants her back.

Although daughter Samanya Yanpanya disappeared on December 6, mother Samruy has discovered that her Facebook account in the name of 'Pinnee Smile' was accessed on December 20.

Filled with a mother's determination, Khun Samruy went to Provincial Hall in Phuket City yesterday to seek the help of Phuket Governor Tri Augkaradacha.

At the time of her disappearance, young Pinnee was living with her grandmother and grandfather. The girl told them she was going to do her homework at the local Internet shop.

Pinnee has 295 friends on Facebook under her online identity and often chatted to friends instead of doing her homework, Khun Samruy said. Her prime fear is that an online stalker may now have her daughter.

Would it be possible, Khun Samruy asked the Governor yesterday, to trace where Pinnee was on December 20 when her Facebook page was last updated, a fortnight after her disappearance?

The Governor undertook to see if Internet engineering skills could be applied to help the hunt for Khun Samruy's missing daughter.


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As I have stated before, ALL things on Facebook are logged, including ALL messaging.
Anyone with authority can access this once this is approved by facebook.
This should have been done the moment the child was missing.
I hope she has a safe return and shame on Authorities by not using their authority sooner.

Posted by Tbs on January 20, 2012 18:16


As a parent my heart goes out to this poor mother and I hope that her daughter is found alive and well.
The hardest part is not knowing what has happened.

Posted by Arthur on January 21, 2012 05:56

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