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Patched and ready for rolling . . . the bypass road on Phuket today

That Inside Fast Lane Returns for Phuket Motorists on Bypass Road

Tuesday, October 14, 2014
PHUKET: Holey moley . . . Phuket's motorists will regain use of both southbound lanes in the Phuket City bypass road from about 1pm today.

That's the deadline specified by Phuket Highways Office Director Samak Luedwonghad for completion of the refill on a gaping hole that appeared and grew almost a week ago.

Filling the gap has taken five days. As well as eating into the road, the hole severely eroded a budget of 300,000 baht.

Rain has delayed completion, Khun Samak said.

The experience will be good practice for the hole fillers.

New Phuket Governor Nisit Jansomwong has asked for the Roads Department to fill all of Phuket's potholes as a matter of urgency before the Asian beach Games begin on November 14.

The Roads Department says it will use emergency budget funding to get the job done by early November.

Large numbers of roadside billboards have been springing up all over Phuket to promote the games.

It's not clear how the Phuket authorities will conduct their campaign to obliterate roadside billboards if the ugliest form of advertising on the island continues to be used by them, too.


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It makes me feel sick to see the toy-tools they are using for such a kind of repair-job.

Posted by BeerChang on October 14, 2014 12:08


One serious question from a non-english speaker: Why is this lane called "inside" lane, even though it is on the outside of the road (seen from the middle of the road)? This confuses me a little... Thanks for an helpful explanation.

Posted by BeerChang on October 14, 2014 12:12

Editor Comment:

There is the overtaking lane and the undertaking lane. If you undertake to overtake at speed, the overtaking lane is better than the undertaking lane. If you undertake to travel slowly, the undertaking lane is best. But undertakers know that both lanes are good for business.


@Ed that was very confusing.

@BeerChang Inside refers to the left lane. By law ALL vehicles should be using this lane and the outer lane is for overtaking.

But since this is Thailand and there is practically no laws enforcing road standards, everyone does as they please.

Also, how many people have been prosecuted with the hapless speed cameras on the Bypass. I have not heard of one person being prosecuted, which I gather is because no one ever has been.

Posted by Tbs on October 14, 2014 13:00


I thought original deadline was 1st October as seen in many articles on here and other outlets

@ED very funny answer maybe should do a dave barry Humorist column

Posted by Michael on October 14, 2014 14:03

Editor Comment:

You are confusing deadlines. This hole did not appear until October 8. Perhaps you are thinking of other holes.


To Late at 9am the car in front of me shot to the right to miss the hole and I had to break and bounce through it on my motor bike no sign to warn anyone of the missing section under repair.

Posted by mike on October 14, 2014 14:45


@Editor: Thanks for your explafusion or should I call it connation? I will remember it is just the other way round than I think. That's the way if you are driving on the right side but not on the right side ;-)

Posted by BeerChang on October 14, 2014 18:29


It is for me worry some to see all around the island more and more new Billboards and "movie-theatres" being installed. These billboards are competing with road-safety. The task of a bill board is at all times to draw attention. How many accidents, injuries and deaths is road victims whe have to get "burned" before someone high in the Thai power structure starts to realize that Greed is taking its toll by allowing billboards (commerce) to draw what they are made & intended for. Drawing (getting) attention from the public. Including the drivers. One split second of attention on the wrong moment can mean damage, but worse a victim and another life lost. A kid missing his parent or a parent missing their child and all this indefinitely. All for a few Baht. Billboards should never get public space along road sides. And every advertiser, advertising agency and publicity or sign-owner should be hold financial responsible and be hold reliable for any damage and all immaterial losses if anyone blames or anything indicates the billboard to be or could have had anything to do with or be the distracting factor in an accident around it. Hoe Thailand can claim the want to increase road safety if they allow more and more billboards. AMAZING THAILAND.

Posted by phuketgreed on October 15, 2014 02:02

Editor Comment:

We drove from the airport to Phuket City last night. How many people arrive on flights expecting to find a holiday island and are shocked by what they encounter? Where will it end?

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