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Phuket's Burmese workers cheer on their team at the football last night

Football Stirs Phuket's Melting Pot of Cultures: Photo Special

Monday, September 1, 2014
PHUKET: Thousands of Burmese turned out last night to cheer on their side in a vivid display of how international Phuket has become.

For a time, their cheers worked. Thailand scored first at the four-minute mark in the game at Surakul Stadium in Phuket City, then Burma (Myanmar) fought back. At the seven-minute mark, the scores were equal.

But a great contest it was not to be. By the midway mark, Thailand led 4-1 and went on to seal an effortless 8-1 victory. World Cup 2000 could be a legitimate aim.

As for Myanmar . . . well, there's plenty of development still to be seen on Phuket and the workers are better treated than ever before.

Where once there was a nighttime curfew, workers can now apply for motorcycle licences and a registration procedure now being undertaken will decrease the level of rip-offs.

Football is the great multicultural leveller and last night's match highlighted just how much of a melting pot Phuket has become.


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'World Cup 2000 could be a legitimate aim'.

Perhaps Thailand should stop living the past and shape up to the future!

Posted by Pete on September 1, 2014 08:10


@Pete I thought that line was hilarious and true in many aspects.

Posted by Tbs on September 1, 2014 09:43


I passed yesterday by Surakul stadium shortly before the game started, and was pleasantly surprised that so many guest workers are going - and are able to afford - to attend the Sunday entertainment event.

Posted by Sue on September 1, 2014 14:33


Fairplay to the Burmese supporters they made a great amount of noise and turned the atmosphere electric it was great to see so many of them there and it was the largest attendance that i had seen at the stadium for a football match. They showed glimpses of good individual skills and talent but as a team they need a lot of training. Thailand really walked the game in the 2nd half but the first half was quite exciting and im really happy that Burma scored early and gave their tremendous support some reason to cheer after spending what is probably more than half of 1 days salary to watch the game. I hope the Burmese and Thai football associations paid notice and maybe bring the full international teams to play in Phuket because that would really be an atmosphere worth paying to watch..Well done everybody involved..W.A.M.P

Posted by Hulkster on September 1, 2014 21:21

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