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A Rohingya  points to a house where she says she was held captive

Death Threat as Police Pursue Rape, Abduction and Trafficking North of Phuket

Saturday, June 22, 2013
PHUKET: A death threat was made today by an alleged human trafficker as police travelled with three Rohingya women to a remote Andaman island where a rape is alleged to have taken place.

As well as the knife-point rape allegation, officers north of Phuket are also investigating claims that three Rohingya women and two children were abducted from a government refuge and held against their will for days.

when the women eventually went to Khao Lak Police Station this week to report the rape, they recognised the man who drove the vehicle in which they were abducted from the refuge.

He was at the station, dressed in his police uniform, Phuketwan was told by the women today.

The case threatens to blow open the extent of people smuggling that is already widely acknowledged north of Phuket, with Rohingya boatpeople being trafficked on to Malaysia for about 50,000 baht per person by local residents, military and police.

Today, with the investigation continuing, a Thai man visited the gate at the government shelter in Khao Lak, north of Phuket, and made threats on the life of the shelter's director.

According to the staff of the Phang Nga Shelter for Families who intercepted the visitor, the man said he had killed several Rohingya already. ''Killing a Thai woman would be no problem,'' he told them.

The threat has since been relayed on to the Social Development and Human Security Ministry and the Governor of Phang Nga, the province north of Phuket.

Four police from Khao Lak and Kuraburi Police Stations accompanied the three Rohingya women and a child on a speedboat trip today to Yeepon (Japan) Island off the coast of Phang Nga, where the women said they were taken.

The women, promised trips to Malaysia, absconded from the shelter on May 26 with two children and were driven away by a man they now say is a local police officer.

The women said today they were at one stage taken to Yeepon island, where the rape of one woman allegedly took place at knife point over three nights by Rohingya trafficker Korlimula Ramahatu, 26.

He is currently being held at Takuapa Prison for being illegally in Thailand and has confessed to the rape to Kuraburi police, although it is Khao Lak police who are likely to press charges.

One of their colleagues, though, is accused of being an accomplice.

Because the allegations involve a policeman and the alleged crimes cover both Khao Lak and Kuraburi police districts, the case was today referred on to the Phang Nga provincial police commander.

A well-known white-haired Phang Nga resident, suspected of being among several locals involved in human trafficking, has also been incriminated in the case.

He is alleged to have promised the woman would be reunited with her husband in Malaysia for a fee of 50,000 baht - the reason why the women went over the wall from the refuge.


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SHAME not on Phuket or Thailand BUT on ASEAN. This has to stop!

Posted by Logic on June 22, 2013 23:28


Thinking of the reported and unreported crimes make one sick. Preying on the weakest of the weakest. That is so... low.

Posted by Lena on June 23, 2013 15:30


This has to be stopped and the people in the government and police involved have to be jailed ... this is slavery and it was abolished a long time ago .. it seems some think they are above the law and the rights of human beings ..

Posted by da capT on June 23, 2013 23:47


How one human can do this to another, simply escapes me. Well done for this story, this needs to be in the mainstream media.

Posted by eezergood on June 24, 2013 08:17

Editor Comment:

It will be very soon.

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