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Looking for your first job in a resort? Now for some training

Phuket Training Scheme May Unlock Resort Tax

Friday, August 1, 2008
PHUKET will need an extra 4000 trained resort staff for next high season, says the President of the Orborjor, Paiboon Upatising.

Khun Paiboon, elected to the important post at the Phuket Provincial Administrative Organisation in April, says that because of the large numbers of additional staff required, the Orborjor is starting training programs.

The first 40 students began training under the Phuket Human Resources Group on July 31 at the Metropole Hotel, in Phuket City.

The hotel will be the base for improving the skills of the new staff required as Phuket's accommodation bases rises to 40,000 rooms for next high season.

The one-day courses are available to people who are starting careers in the tourism industry, not those who already have jobs.

Other course are scheduled for August and September.

More people are required to learn the roles of cooks, waiting staff, bartenders, receptionists, telephone operators, room maids and lifeguards.

Khun Paiboon hopes that the direct benefit to resorts from the Orborjor scheme will help to unlock more room tax.

A one percent tax is payable on all resort accommodation on Phuket but many resort rail at parting with the money because they see no direct benefit returning to them.

The tax raised more than 68 million baht between October 2007 and July 2008 but about 132 million baht went unpaid by hundreds of resorts.

The income was an improvement on the previous year, when only 50 million baht was paid.

Phuketwan contacted four resorts to ask them why the tax had been overlooked.

A spokesperson for one resort responded with the equivalent of ''the cheque is in the mail.''

The second, third and fourth spokespeople all said they were waiting to hear back from their bosses about the issue.

News of the training scheme may act as an inducement to some resorts to pay the tax.

The head of the Employers' Association of Phuket, Nared Srinark, said the island needed more resort staff but they had to be trained to a good standard first.

Khun Nared said the better the standards of service, the more tourists would come to Phuket and keep coming.

Better training also meant better income for those who took the training.

The Employers' Association has 147 resorts as members. Phuket has more than 600 resorts and guesthouses.

Expectations in resorts are that the current low season may be less successful than last year but bookings for the high season from November remain encouraging.

An extra-low season may force some resorts to lay off staff.

For more information about the next round of resort training, call the Orborjor on 076 356027.


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