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The hill is alive with sights of Phuket City from a new tourist viewpoint

Phuket City From the Air: Island Gains a New Tourist Attraction

Tuesday, October 21, 2014
PHUKET: A new tourist attraction has emerged with the completion of a handsome viewing platform at Rang Hill in Phuket City. The platform juts out towards the bay and provides a stunning setting for scenic views and selfies. Although the attraction has yet to be declared formally open, visitors of all kinds are taking in the vistas. The panoramic outlook shows that there is still plenty of greenery.


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Wow, nice new tourist attraction, but like Promthep Cape, we not like the fence, right? There,in the city, people can not be taken by surprise by a big wave, so no fence needed.

Posted by Kurt on October 21, 2014 11:53

Editor Comment:

Hard to follow that Kurt.


Ok, I understand you not follow at this moment, mr. Editor, After all,you have to react on so many writings of readers. You appeared against fences downstairs lookout Phromthep Cape, fair enough. But at this city platform are fences, right? No big waves there to surprise tourists. I always say, safety first. Anywhere. Same as people can walk inside Big Buddha building construction.. I am waiting for a loose material drop there, hurting/killing tourists. Tourist should not be allowed to walk there inside. I am waiting for press release:, is not our fault....

Posted by Kurt on October 21, 2014 12:54


@Kurt; This new attraction in the city is obviously man-made and constructed at great hight, so building code will most likely demand a fence, as well as common sence. Laem Promthep is a natural Cliff... If I was rude I would call your stupid comments idiotic and you an idiot, but I'm in a good moode so I don't.

Posted by Swede from Malmo on October 22, 2014 01:11


whats Kurt been drinking, quite a steep hill there.
I do recomend the long established coffee shop there been going there for over twenty years great place and a nice durian and sticky rice if you like that sort of thing

Posted by Michael on October 22, 2014 01:31


Your election to President of the Bulgarian Fencers Association was not to promote fencing around property, it was to promote the fencing of property which generally belonged to others!

Posted by Manowar on October 22, 2014 08:21


Kurt & Sue really should get together, sure they must be the only two who understand each other...

Posted by phuket madness on October 22, 2014 13:33


Very nice, Please tell how to get there. Have asked many Thai but they do not know or they say just over there .

Posted by sunlover on October 23, 2014 13:06

Editor Comment:

Take a turn uphill into Kor Sim Bee Road from the intersection of Maeluan Road with Patiphat Road (past Wat Khun Chee for Buddhist Nuns.) Keep going uphill to the top, where there's a car park and restaurants.


maybe they should add a large sign blocking the middle of the view as they did at the khao toe sae viewpoint..then tourists and locals would also have the added attraction of having something to write graffiti on..

Posted by another steve on November 7, 2014 08:33

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