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Deckchairs off the Titanic: Redefining the Newest Phuket

Deckchairs off the Titanic: Redefining the Newest Phuket

Saturday, August 30, 2014
PHUKET: As the island's beaches undergo an extreme makeover, how are tourists and locals reacting to the ''New Phuket''?

Amcham Thailand has organised a special tourism forum, which will be lead by hospitality branding leader David Keen, who is Founder and CEO of Quo Global along with a panel of industry leaders.

While Brand Phuket has evolved into a mainstream mass marketplace, and the island evolves back of dramatic changes, welcome to the crossroads of change.

This high season, how will visitors perceive a new beach experience?

David Keen's extensive experience a number of large-scale leisure destination branding projects is expected to create an exciting backdrop, which will encourage event attendees to share their views and opinions.

Set for Friday September 12 at the Angsana Resort Laguna Phuket ballroom, the event is a must for those in the hotel, tourism, real estate and yachting sectors.

Registration for the event, which is organised by the Greater Phuket Chapter, American Chamber of Commerce (Amcham), begins at 4pm, with the forum running from 4.30pm to 6pm.

Everyone is welcome to attend with admission for non-Amcham members at 100 baht. Networking drinks will follow afterwards.

To sign up for the forum, please visit the website, or contact Sheree Tanpensuk by email or telephone 02-254-1041 ext. 212


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